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发布时间:2018-03-04 09:03

  本文选题:民事责任 切入点:刑事责任 出处:《长春工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着内容涵盖政治、经济、司法、土地制度以及社会管理等热点问题的改革开放的不断深入,市场经济得到更进一步的发展,经济纠纷对法律辨别的要求不断提高,民事经济纠纷往往会因为数额重大而上升到经济犯罪的程度,并且在案件的构成要件上极为相似,这就导致了民事责任与刑事责任之间的界限越来越模糊。当前我国正处于社会转型期,随着个人财富的积累,人们的维权意识日益觉醒,保护个人私有财产的同时,很多民事经济纠纷同样涉及经济犯罪行为,民刑交织案件增多,辨别工作也变得越发困难。 民刑交叉案件是困扰司法实践的一个重要问题,已引起了法学理论界与司法实务界的广泛关注。引起民事责任和刑事责任交叉的违法行为既触犯了刑事法律规范,也触犯了民事法律规范,提出了民刑交叉案件的具体归属的难题。真正意义上对这一难题的具体研究却相对匮乏。为适应审判实践的需要,有必要对民事责任与刑事责任进行比较分析,从概念、共通性、差异性等方面对实体问题进行深入的理论探讨,以使我国民刑交叉案件处理机制得以完善。 通过几个司法实践中的具体典型案例,指出民刑交叉案件的普遍存在以及对民事责任与刑事责任交叉区分的困难,并在借鉴国内外研究经验的基础上,对民事责任和刑事责任的相关概念及相关范畴界限进行系统研究。在共通性方面主要研究强制性手段、责任构成和归责原则等方面的共通特点,也从另一方面揭示了产生民刑交叉案件的原因;在差异性方面主要从性质、惩罚功能、补偿功能、预防功能等方面的差异进行研究,从中寻找将民事责任与刑事责任细化区分的办法,避免交叉现象。通过以上研究,对民刑交叉案件审理模式进行了探讨,并提出了解决民刑交叉案件的思路,期望为进一步细化民事责任与刑事责任的边界及制定民刑交叉案件处理机制有所帮助。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of reform and opening to the outside world, which covers hot issues such as politics, economy, justice, land system and social management, the market economy has been further developed, and the requirements for legal discrimination in economic disputes have been constantly raised. Civil economic disputes tend to rise to the level of economic crimes because of the magnitude of the amount, and are very similar in terms of the constituent elements of the cases. This has led to the blurring of the boundary between civil liability and criminal liability. At present, China is in a period of social transformation. With the accumulation of personal wealth, people's awareness of safeguarding their rights is becoming increasingly awakened, while protecting their private property. Many civil and economic disputes also involve economic crimes, civil and criminal cases intertwined, and discrimination becomes more difficult. The civil and criminal cross case is an important problem that puzzles the judicial practice, which has aroused the widespread concern of the legal theory and the judicial practice, and the illegal act that causes the civil liability and the criminal responsibility to cross has violated the criminal law norm. Has also violated the civil law norm, proposed the concrete attribution difficult problem of the civil and criminal cross cases. In the real sense, the concrete research on this difficult problem is relatively scarce. In order to meet the needs of the trial practice, It is necessary to make a comparative analysis of civil liability and criminal liability, and to make a thorough theoretical discussion on substantive issues from the aspects of concept, commonality and difference, so as to perfect the mechanism of handling cross cases of national punishment. Through several typical cases in judicial practice, this paper points out the universal existence of civil and criminal cross cases and the difficulty of distinguishing civil liability from criminal responsibility, and draws lessons from the domestic and foreign research experience. The related concepts of civil liability and criminal liability and the limits of related categories are systematically studied. In the aspect of commonality, it mainly studies the common characteristics of compulsory means, liability constitution and liability principle, etc. On the other hand, it also reveals the causes of the civil and criminal cross cases, and mainly studies the differences in nature, punishment function, compensation function, prevention function and so on. Through the above research, this paper probes into the trial mode of civil and criminal cross-cases, and puts forward some ideas to solve the cross-civil and criminal cases. It is expected to further refine the boundary between civil liability and criminal liability and to establish a civil and criminal cross case handling mechanism.


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