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发布时间:2018-03-04 15:37

  本文选题:附条件不起诉 切入点:程序 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:附条件不起诉制度于90年代初引入我国,最初运用于基层检察院的司法实验,经过二十余年的发展,在新刑诉法中得以确立。该制度的建立,旨在以非刑罚化的方式,教育、感化失足未成年人顺利重归社会。然而,制度价值能否在运行中得以实现,很大程度上取决于程序的设计:程序规定越详尽、合理,,运行阻力越小。障于我国法律规定仍比较粗疏,附条件不起诉程序规定不够周密,在实践中呈现出各级基层检察院操作不规范,不统一等问题,亟待进一步完善。 本文从程序角度入手,将附条件不起诉分为启动和决定程序、考察和决定程序及监督和救济程序三个部分。启动和决定程序中,笔者提出增加启动的申请方式、在审查中引入社会调查方式、附条件不起诉决定前确立听证程序并对审查内容、决定的作出过程作出详细的程序设计。在考察和决定程序中,改进了联合考察委员会考察模式、并针对考验期限及考察内容作出详细规定。在监督和救济程序中:一方面,通过提出完善人民监督员监督程序及建立人民代表委员会监督程序来补充附条件不起诉程序的外部监督;另一方面,对被害人及犯罪嫌疑人救济程序存在的问题提出建议。
[Abstract]:The conditional non prosecution system in China at the beginning of 90s, initially used in judicial experiment of grass-roots procuratorates, after twenty years of development, has been established in the new criminal procedure law. The establishment of the system, aimed at the non penalty, probation education, juvenile delinquents successfully return to the society. However, whether the system value can be achieved in the operation, the design for the procedure depends largely on the procedures: more detailed, reasonable, running resistance is small. The barrier in the laws and regulations of our country is still relatively crude, the provisions of conditional non prosecution procedure is not thorough, in practice, showing the operation of grass-roots procuratorates at all levels are not standardized, the problem is not uniform. Needs to be further improved.
This article from the perspective of the program, the conditional non prosecution is divided up and decision procedures, three part of the investigation and decision procedures and supervision and relief procedures. And decided to start the program, the author proposes to increase the start mode of application, the introduction of social survey methods in the review of a decision not to prosecute, before the establishment of the hearing procedures and to review the content, make the decision making process of program design in detail. In the investigation and decision procedures, improved joint investigation committee inspection mode, and make detailed provisions for the probation period and investigation contents. In the supervision and relief program: on the one hand, through the external supervision and improve the people's supervisor supervision procedures and the establishment of the people's representative the Committee supervision procedures to supplement the conditional non prosecution procedure; on the other hand, put forward suggestions on the process problems of criminal suspects and the victim relief.



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