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发布时间:2018-03-04 18:39

  本文选题:刑事诉讼 切入点:过程证据 出处:《扬州大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Process evidence is the material to prove the facts of the case process. In essence, it is a kind of judicial process behavior record. It runs through various stages of judicial acts, such as investigation, coercive measures, examination of prosecution and even trial by the court. Its role is to prevent prolonged detention, extort confessions by torture and guarantee judicial justice. Meanwhile, process evidence, as a formal procedural supervision, provides a corresponding basis for procedural defense, especially under existing conditions. Through the role of process evidence to make up for the criminal proceedings in the procedural adjudication mechanism has not been effectively formed, procedural protection in criminal proceedings is not perfect and lack of ideas and mechanisms have a certain positive significance, but process evidence also has its shortcomings. In order to play a better role in procedural defense, it needs to be perfected. Besides the introduction, the text of this paper consists of five parts, namely, the raising of the question and the definition of the process evidence, the analysis of the current situation of the application of the process evidence, and the application of the extraterritorial process evidence. Improvement of the role of process evidence, response to and summary of problems. Part I: introduction of questions and process evidence. This part first raises questions by introducing the "Lei Yang case", which has attracted more attention in the year. Then, it introduces the concept and classification of the process evidence through the problem, and defines the object of the article as the application of the process evidence. Then, it leads to what the process evidence needs to be solved in practice by the question. Finally, from the procedure, The second part: analysis of the application of process evidence. This part first introduces the application of process evidence, that is, the role of process evidence in criminal proceedings; Secondly, it explains the necessity of perfecting the application of process evidence from the point of insufficient application of process evidence and the problem. The third part: procedural guarantee of the application of extraterritorial process evidence. This part starts with the relevant legal system of foreign evidence. Respectively from the Anglo-American law system and the civil law system, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and other countries in the "process evidence" aspects of the comb, and preliminary summary, Part 4th: the perfection of the application of process evidence. It synthesizes the current situation of the application of Chinese process evidence in criminal proceedings, the existing problems and the enlightenment of foreign related systems to our country. Respectively from the concept, procedure and supporting system to the criminal procedure in our country to apply the perfect path of the process evidence put forward suggestions. 5th part: response to the problem and summary. This part is the summary of the previous article, First, through the response to the opening question, the feasibility suggestions of the process evidence perfect path are summarized, and finally, the system is prospected.


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