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发布时间:2018-03-05 04:22

  本文选题:明显不当 切入点:合法性 出处:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Under the background of comprehensively promoting governing the country according to law, it is necessary to accurately position obvious improper administrative acts and strengthen norms and restrictions, which is to persist in governing the country according to law and ruling by law. The newly revised Administrative Litigation Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Litigation Law) has included obvious improper administrative acts in the scope of judicial review. This article is divided into three parts. This paper studies and discusses the obvious improper administrative behavior: the first part is the analysis of the meaning and nature of "obviously improper", and the meaning of "obviously improper". To grasp from the overall point of view the provisions of Article 70 of the "Administrative Litigation Law", obviously improper means that administrative acts should not only not violate the express provisions of the laws, regulations, etc., but also cannot have the common sense and common sense that ordinary people should have. The commonsense and the rules, principles, administrative practices, legislative purposes and the spirit of legislation which are recognized by people in administrative law are contrary to each other. There are two views on the nature of "obviously improper". An administrative act that considers "manifestly inappropriate" to be reasonable and unreasonable. The author holds the second view that there is no insurmountable gap between rationality and legitimacy, and that improper administrative conduct is a violation of rationality. When the degree of such violation exceeds the boundary of rationality, it becomes the issue of violation of legality and illegal administrative act. The second part is the scope of application and judgment standard of "manifestly improper". After the application of the law and the scope of application in the procedure, it is concluded that "manifestly improper" is applicable to the examination of the content of the entity of the administrative act. The judgment of whether the administrative act constitutes "manifestly improper" should be based on whether the administrative act violates the principle of equality and the principle of proportionality. The principle of due process and the perspective of administrative practice and public policy are taken into consideration. The third part deals with the choice of adjudication methods for manifestly improper administrative conduct. When the administrative act may be annulled or rescinded, The administrative punishment which is obviously improper can be changed by judgment. Whether the decision is revoked or the judgment is changed, there is the rationality and necessity of its existence, and there are still some things to be perfected.


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