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发布时间:2018-03-05 13:26

  本文选题:民事小额诉讼 切入点:程序 出处:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:摘要:有权利就应该有救济,这是法治国家的重要特征之一。公民的轻微权利受到侵害时,国家也应该提供权利救济的途径,维护公民的合法权利。伴随着我国社会经济的迅速发展,社会生活中的经济纠纷也日趋多元化,其中的微小权利纠纷更是频繁出现,而我国针对微小权利纠纷没有设置与之相配套的专门程序救济机制,而是适用简易程序来救济,但我国简易程序的局限性使得这种小额权利纠纷即使按照简易程序来救济也体现出了“不经济”的救济途径,很多小额权利人在利弊权衡之后不得不止步在法院大门外,这实际上就阻碍了人们“接近司法”“接近正义”的权利,人们急需与解决小额权利纠纷相配套的救济程序来实现自己小额权利的救济。与此同时,我国法院也面临着巨大的案件审判压力,司法资源的有限增长难以与诉讼案件的爆炸式增长同步,那么如何缓解现代社会生活中民众不断增长的诉讼需求与司法资源的有限性之间的矛盾?我们不可能寄希望于通过无限制地增加司法资源来满足民众不断增长的诉讼需求,这是任何一个理性的法治社会国家都不可能作出的选择。此时,通过提高司法资源的利用效率使其得到最大化的合理配置,以最大程度的发挥司法效益就成为摆在我们面前不可回避的司法课题。再放眼世界,各国都面临过或正在面临着和我们国家同样的案多人少的压力,这让我们开始关注到国外已经设立的并且发展比较成熟的小额诉讼程序机制,国外的小额诉讼程序机制是二十世纪六十年代掀起的一场被称为让民众“接近正义”的司法改革的产物。这是专门为小额权利的救济而设立的诉讼程序,虽然各国对于小额诉讼机制的具体规定不尽相同,但是小额诉讼程序高效、便民、低成本的特点却是设立的共通立法理念,在司法实践中的效果也很显著,很大程度上缓解了民众诉讼需求与法院审判压力之间的矛盾。对此,经过学术界多年理论探究及我国基层法院小额速裁司法实践活动的经验积累,我国立法机关最终在2012年修订的《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第162条增加了小额诉讼制度的有关规定,这是对民众要求司法维护小额权利的法律上的回应。但是鉴于立法的严谨、慎重考虑,我国立法机关对小额诉讼的规定目前仅有一条,具体操作的各个环节还无立法规范,司法实践中各地法院对具体的操作程序规定了各自区域内的适用规则。我们必须认识到,我国离构建完善的小额诉讼程序的目标还有一段路要走。本文主要采用比较分析法、实证研究法,首先主要对小额诉讼程序基本理论问题进行阐述,然后对域外小额诉讼程序进行了比较分析,接着对我国目前有关小额诉讼的立法现状与法院司法实践中的具体操作现状进行了实证研究,考察了具体完善我国小额诉讼程序的必要性与可行性,最后提出了符合我国国情的小额诉讼程序完善建议,希望本文对小额诉讼程序的探讨能够对我国小额诉讼程序的具体完善有所裨益。本文分为引言、正文和结语三部分。正文部分共分为五章。 第一章主要是有关小额诉讼程序的概述。首先谈到了小额诉讼程序的概念表述以及特点和功能的定位等基本理论问题。其次论述了小额诉讼程序的起源与发展,这包括从世界民事司法改革和中国民事司法改革两个视角来考察。再次,对小额诉讼程序与其他诉讼内外纠纷解决机制进行了对比分析以明确小额诉讼程序的优势所在。最后从法理学视角阐述了小额诉讼程序存在的法理基础。 第二章首先阐述了两大法系具有代表性国家的小额诉讼程序立法例,包括大陆法系的我国台湾地区和日本以及英美法系的美国和英国。然后比较了两大法系小额诉讼程序立法例的共性规律与个性差异,最后得出了部分对我国的有益启示。 第三章主要对我国有关小额诉讼的规范现状进行分析,包括对立法层面现状和司法实践层面现状进行了分析,其中在立法层面主要分析了小额诉讼程序在我国的立法现状以及立法中存在的问题,司法实践层面主要对我国小额诉讼程序的司法运行成效表现以及运行中存在的问题进行解读,其中运行中存在的问题主要是以桂林市的部分基层人民法院为例着重分析,指出了各自在小额诉讼适用中遇到的难题以及存在的共性问题。 第四章着重从各个层面来论证完善我国小额诉讼程序的必要性以及已经具备了可行性条件的探析,必要性方面主要是从我国现状简易程序的局限性方面、社会需求方面、规范司法实践方面以及世界司法改革的潮流趋势方面等四个层面进行了解读。小额诉讼程序完善的可行性主要是从社会环境方面和我国法治建设的成效方面等都具备了可行性条件来进行论证。 第五章首先提出了具体完善符合我国国情的小额诉讼程序应该注意滥诉问题以及法官自由裁量权过大问题的有效预防,第二部分提出了我国完善小额诉讼程序的立法模式选择,最后主要是具体的完善设想,包括适用范围的界定、程序的启动、审理程序的简化、救济机制、执行机制的构想、程序间的衔接转换、司法裁判对接等八个方面的建议。
[Abstract]:Abstract: right should have relief, which is one of the important characteristics of the country under the rule of law. Minor civil rights are infringed, the country should also provide ways of right relief, safeguard the legitimate rights of citizens. With the rapid development of our social economy, social life economic disputes are increasingly diversified, the tiny right dispute is more frequent, and according to our country's small rights dispute has not set a special procedure with the support of the relief mechanism, but the summary procedure applies to relief, but the limitations of the summary procedure of our country because of the small amount of rights even in accordance with the summary procedure to relief also reflects the "economic" remedies a lot of people in the small, right after weighing the advantages and disadvantages in the court had to stop outside the gate, it actually prevents people from "access to justice" "access to justice" rights, people are anxious The relief needs matched with the settlement of minor rights disputes relief program to achieve their small rights. At the same time, China's court trial is also facing great pressure, the explosive growth of limited judicial resources and litigation to synchronous growth, so how to alleviate the contradiction between the limited judicial resources and litigation needs growing of modern people in the social life? We can't hope to increase the judicial resources through unrestricted to meet people's growing demand for litigation, this is a rational society country can make choices. At this time, by improving the utilization efficiency of judicial resources and make the reasonable allocation of the maximum in order to maximize judicial efficiency has become an unavoidable task of justice in front of us. All countries have faced have the whole world in view, or are facing Our country and the same case much less pressure, this let us begin to pay close attention to the development and procedure mechanism is relatively mature in foreign countries has been set up, the small claims procedure mechanism in foreign countries is 1960s launched a product called "let the people close to the positive meaning of" judicial reform. It is dedicated to small relief rights and the establishment of the procedure, although the specific provisions for the lawsuit mechanism is not the same, but the procedure is efficient, convenient, low cost to set up the common idea of legislation in the judicial practice, the effect is very significant, largely alleviated the contradiction between the public demand and court litigation the trial pressure. In this regard, after years of theoretical research and academic circles of China's grassroots courts micro speed cutting practice experience, China's legislature eventually The relevant provisions of the lawsuit system increased in the 2012 revision of the "People's Republic of China Civil Procedure Law > 162nd, this is to the public for judicial legal rights maintenance small response. But in view of legislation is rigorous, careful consideration, the legislation of our country authorities on small litigation currently only one and all aspects of the specific operation still no legislation, local courts in the judicial practice of the specific operation procedure provisions of the applicable rules of their respective regions. We must realize that our country is constructing perfect procedure target still have a long way to go. This paper mainly uses the method of comparative analysis, empirical research method, firstly the basic theory of the problem of small claims procedure is expounded, and the extraterritorial procedure are analyzed, then to present relevant lawsuit legislation and judicial court The empirical research on the specific operation status in practice, investigates the necessity and feasibility of perfecting our procedure, finally put forward according to the situation of our country small procedure improvement suggestions, hope this study of the small claims procedure can benefit the specific improvement of our country's small claims procedure. This paper is divided as the introduction, body and conclusion of three parts. The body is divided into five chapters.
The first chapter is an overview of the relevant procedure. First talked about the basic theory of the concept of the lawsuit procedure as well as the characteristics and function of positioning. Then discusses the origin and development of the lawsuit procedure, which includes from two perspectives of civil judicial reform of the world and Chinese civil judicial reform. To investigate the mechanism again. The small claims procedure and other litigation and alternative dispute resolution are analyzed to determine the procedure advantage. Finally the legal basis of existing procedure described from the perspective of jurisprudence.
The second chapter introduces the two legal representative countries of the small claims procedure legislation, the United States and the United Kingdom including the continental law system in Taiwan area of China and Japan and the Anglo American law system. Then compare the common law and individual differences procedure two legal legislation, finally draws some beneficial enlightenment to our country.
The third chapter mainly analyzes the status quo of China's relevant norms of small claims, including the legislative status and judicial practice are analyzed, including at the legislative level mainly analyzes the procedure in our country's legislation and legislative problems in the interpretation of existing judicial practice mainly on the effectiveness of judicial operation our procedure and problems in operation, the main problems existing in the operation is part of the basic people's courts in Guilin, for example to analyze, point out their problems in the lawsuit for encountered and common problems.
The fourth chapter mainly from various aspects to prove the necessity of perfecting our procedure and has a probe into the feasibility of the condition, necessity is mainly from the limitations of the present situation of our country summary procedures, the need of society, four levels of standard judicial practice and judicial reform of the world trend and other aspects the interpretation procedure perfect. The feasibility is mainly from the social environment and the rule of law in our country the effectiveness of aspects of the feasibility conditions for demonstration.
The fifth chapter firstly puts forward the effective prevention of specific improvement according to the situation of our country should pay attention to the abuse of litigation procedure and judicial discretion is too big, the second part puts forward the legislative mode to improve the small claims procedure in our country, finally the main is to improve the specific ideas, including the definition of the scope of the program. Start, simplify the trial procedure, relief mechanism, conception of the implementation mechanism, interface conversion program between the eight aspects of judicial docking and other suggestions.



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