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发布时间:2018-03-06 11:02

  本文选题:民事诉讼 切入点:非讼案件 出处:《海南大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the civil procedure system of civil law system, cases are divided into litigation cases and non-litigation cases according to the nature and characteristics of the cases. Taking litigation cases and non-litigation cases as the objects, there are corresponding different trial procedures. There is no distinction between litigation cases and non-litigation cases in the current Civil procedure Law of China. There is also no concept of civil non-litigation procedure for non-contentious cases. However, the object of special procedures stipulated in our country's Civil procedure Law has in essence possessed the essence of non-contentious cases. The special procedure is also the civil non-litigation procedure in the essence. At present, some scholars have studied the civil non-litigation procedure to a certain extent. However, the role and status of civil non-litigation proceedings in the field of civil justice and the perfection of the relevant procedural rules of civil non-litigation proceedings are still lacking. This paper summarizes the basic theory of civil non-contentious procedure, and on the basis of deeply discussing the essence and characteristics of non-contentious case, expounds the civil non-contentious procedure and litigation procedure. In order to have a more comprehensive and objective understanding of civil non-litigation proceedings, we examined civil non-litigation proceedings in Germany, Japan, France and Russia. Through investigation, we have obtained that we should perfect the procedural rules of civil non-litigation proceedings in our country, and expand the adjustment scope of civil non-litigation proceedings in our country. By using multiple procedures to reflect different procedural values and to maintain the openness of civil non-litigation proceedings in China, the author concludes that the value orientation of civil non-litigation proceedings in China is not clear through the analysis of the present situation of civil non-litigation proceedings in China. The legislative provisions are not scientific, the scope of application is relatively narrow, the remedy channel is not perfect and so on. Based on the analysis of the causes of the problems existing in the civil non-litigation procedure in China, it is suggested that the status and value of the civil non-litigation procedure in our country should be clarified. The legislative provisions of civil non-litigation procedure in China should be perfected, the function of civil non-litigation procedure should be strengthened, the mechanism of transforming civil non-litigation procedure into litigation procedure should be perfected, and the relief ways of civil non-litigation procedure in China should be perfected.


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