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发布时间:2018-03-07 06:19

  本文选题:认罪认罚从宽诉讼程序 切入点:刑事速裁程序 出处:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Influenced by the acceleration of social mobility and the further widening of the economic gap, the number of criminal cases, especially minor criminal cases, has increased rapidly in China. With the abolition of the system of re-education through labour, the scope of criminal punishment has expanded. How to optimize the allocation of judicial resources and improve the efficiency of handling criminal cases is a difficult problem that needs to be solved in judicial practice and is also the most important part of judicial reform. At the same time, it is also a reflection of the current trend of thought in China, such as light punishment, judicial human rights, and so on. However, according to the design of this judicial reform, The construction of lenient procedure of guilty plea and punishment is not completely consistent with the traditional judicial concept and system of our country. One is that there is a certain impact on the value of criminal substantive law in the process of procedure construction. Second, there is a certain contradiction with the current mode of the power doctrine litigation in our country. At the same time, because of the relative simplicity of the relevant provisions of the criminal quick adjudication procedure in the early stage, On the one hand, enough reform space has been left to the local judicial organs to try out various procedural simplification measures, and some measures have indeed achieved good results, greatly improving the efficiency of handling minor criminal cases; On the other hand, it has also caused some confusion in the reform process. At the end of the two-year pilot work on the criminal case expediting procedure carried out in earlier parts of the country, The Supreme people's Court and others issued opinions to continue to pilot the lenient system of guilty pleading and penalizing, which also shows the complexity of the problems encountered in the reform in the course of the pilot. Therefore, according to the current criminal procedure and the value concept of our country, On the basis of summing up the early experience and existing problems of the trial, it is of great significance for the improvement of the lenient lawsuit procedure to admit and punish the guilty plea, the background and the idea support of the lenient lawsuit procedure. It is the basis to measure whether the relevant regulations are necessary or not, and also play a guiding role for the construction of the procedure. Therefore, we need to comb. Through combing, we can see that the reform of leniency of guilty pleas and punishment has important practical significance. It is also a move to follow the objective law of the dynamic development of criminal policy. Of course, [concerning] authorizing the Supreme people's Court, Decision of the Supreme people's Procuratorate on the pilot work on the lenient system of guilty plea and punishment in Criminal cases in some regions before the introduction of the trial decision (hereinafter referred to as "the pilot decision"), In recent years, there have been legislative provisions for the speedy handling of criminal cases and pilot work on criminal expedited adjudication procedures. The problems existing in the summary procedure and the "light punishment quick trial" procedure are also the problems to be solved by the criminal speedy adjudication procedure. These problems are alleviated to a certain extent in the process of trial. All of these can provide experience reference for the reform of plea admission and punishment procedure in the future. There is some confusion in the construction and application of this procedure. Including the question of whether suspects and defendants are lenient in cases where they have only a formal confession rather than genuine repentance and how to identify it, Based on the background and purpose of lenient judicial reform, this paper analyzes the problems in the reform. Some suggestions are put forward to perfect the lenient procedure of guilty admission and punishment: to establish a scientific and unified lenient lawsuit procedure, to further distinguish between guilty plea and punishment, to perfect the way of handling cases, and to improve the efficiency of litigation. The implementation of the duty lawyer assistance system and other measures to effectively protect the rights of the parties, promote the standardization of sentencing. At the same time, strengthen the use of technology, strengthen the functions of procuratorial organs, improve the judicial supervision mechanism, It is also the necessary guarantee to perfect the lenient procedure of pleading guilty and penalizing.


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