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发布时间:2018-03-07 09:23

  本文选题:国际民商事平行诉讼 切入点:不方便法院原则 出处:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Under the background of economic globalization, because of the difference and expansibility of the jurisdiction system of various countries, the jurisdiction of various countries over foreign civil and commercial cases is prone to active conflict. The parties tend to select the court out of self-interest, and the results of the selection are likely to result in the parties taking proceedings in the courts of different countries at the same time or successively in relation to the same dispute, The parallel litigation of international civil and commercial affairs becomes a kind of necessity. The parallel litigation of international civil and commercial affairs can, of course, provide the parties in various countries with the convenience of litigation, and enable the parties to obtain necessary and proper judicial relief. For example, to ensure the full settlement of claims, to prevent the expiration of the limitation period of action, to protect the litigation rights of the defendant, and to limit the improper jurisdiction of the court, etc., but in the case of excessive litigation by the parties and malicious delay in litigation, Parallel litigation has evolved into an existing problem that needs to be solved urgently. It often results in the increase of the burden of the parties, the waste of judicial resources, the contradiction and conflict of the judgment, and the difficulties in the recognition and enforcement of the judgment between countries. The international legal mechanism of regulating and coordinating parallel litigation in international civil and commercial affairs has emerged as the times require. From the legislative and judicial practice of parallel litigation in our country, the problem of parallel litigation in international civil and commercial matters has not been solved satisfactorily in our country. There are many places to be perfected. It is necessary to refer to and learn from the rich experience and methods of coordinating parallel litigation in foreign countries, so as to perfect the coordination mechanism of parallel litigation in international civil and commercial affairs. This article is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is an overview of international civil and commercial parallel litigation. This chapter starts from the concept of parallel litigation. This paper analyzes the multiple causes and positive and negative value of parallel litigation. The second chapter is about the analysis of the current situation of China's international civil and commercial parallel litigation. This part is devoted to the analysis of the legislation and judicial status of parallel litigation in China. The third chapter is about the analysis of the existing coordination mechanism of foreign parallel litigation against international civil and commercial affairs. This part mainly takes the United States and the European Union as an example to the international parallel litigation. The existing coordination mechanism of litigation is summarized. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of these coordination mechanisms and methods and explores whether they have the soil to grow in our country. Chapter 4th is to perfect the coordination mechanism of parallel litigation of international civil and commercial affairs in China on the basis of the above mentioned parts. We should adapt to the changes of the times and change our country's inherent perspective and thinking on the issue of parallel litigation in international civil and commercial affairs. On the other hand, we should study the possible ways to coordinate the problem of parallel litigation of international civil and commercial affairs in China on the basis of concrete measures. In order to perfect the coordination mechanism of parallel litigation of international civil and commercial affairs in our country, solve transnational civil disputes fairly and reasonably in judicial practice, and promote the smooth progress of transnational civil communication.


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