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发布时间:2018-03-07 09:24

  本文选题:农村集体经济组织 切入点:集体成员资格 出处:《中国农村观察》2017年06期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The membership of rural collective economic organizations is the basic point for farmers to enjoy the rights and interests of their collective economic organizations. The reasons for the court's refusal include: the qualification determination is not a dispute between equal civil subjects, and the qualification determination belongs to the category of villager autonomy, and the qualification dispute should be dealt with by the administrative organ. The refusal of judicial recognition reflects the misconception of the relationship between the members and the collective economic organizations, solidifies the understanding of the legal status of the villagers' committee, and separates the relationship between judicial cognizance and collective autonomy of the members. The problem of misunderstanding the legal effect of judicial cognizance. The court determines the collective membership mainly through comprehensive consideration or element model. There are problems of inconsistent combination of elements and uncertain status of elements. The case characteristics and dependent meanings of judicial confirmation of collective membership are clear, according to the practical process of judicial confirmation guide-judicial guidance case-judicial interpretation, It is the path for judicial organs to contribute wisdom to the confirmation of collective membership by continuously accumulating and refining judicial experience and consensus, which eventually rises to the legislative or legislative interpretation of collective membership.
【作者单位】: 南京大学法学院;安徽农业大学人文社会科学学院;
【基金】:安徽省高校人文社会科学重点项目“安徽省土地承包经营权流转风险及法律治理研究”(项目号:SK2015A338) 安徽农业大学繁荣哲学社会科学基金项目“集体建设用地流转风险及法律治理研究”(项目号:2014zs12)的阶段性研究成果


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