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发布时间:2018-03-10 15:43

  本文选题:刑事诉权 切入点:民事诉权 出处:《南京师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文源于笔者对“瘦弱”的被追诉者,在无比强大的公权力下,如何才能切实有效地得到保护,所持续进行的不懈思索。纵观历史,有集聚的地方就有纠纷,有纠纷就有纠纷解决的方式,从最初的自力救济发展到因国家的出现而产生的公力救济,这是一个从野蛮到文明的过程,彰显了社会的发展与进步,是人类文明发展的重要成果。但是,从另一个角度来看,由于公权力的扩张,社会中的每个行为主体都有可能成为“卡夫卡”。“卡夫卡式”状态,即处于一种任人摆布,无法自主,错综复杂,似真似幻的境地。“身单力薄”并身处在这种境地之中的“卡夫卡”,很有可能因为公权力的压迫而失去做人的尊严、健康甚至生命。永恒的话题需要持续的探索,因而,对于刑事诉讼程序中存在的“不朽”问题,我们就要持续认真而严肃地思考。那么,如何才能切实规范公权力的行使?如何才能让刑事诉讼法真正发挥“小宪法”的价值呢?乍然间,对于这些问题,似乎让人有种无所适从的感觉。笔者大胆地通过运用诉权理论对这些问题进行分析、阐述,发现这些繁芜的问题仅是附着于表面的问题,要从根本上认识、解决问题,并不仅是规定几个法条,设置一种制度所能实现的,这还需要刑事诉讼法思维方式的拓展。刑事诉权的导入可以深化对这些问题的认识,有助于刑事诉讼中相关问题的解决。诉权理论是诉讼理论中的基础理论,而刑事诉权理论也应当是刑事诉讼理论中的基础理论,其与刑事目的论、刑事诉讼行为论、刑事诉讼客体论等一样,都是构成刑事基础理论构架的组成部分。它们对刑事立法与刑事司法活动具有重要的指导作用。虽然我国对刑事诉权理论的研究起步比较早,然而直到上世纪90年代才有学者予以关注。十分遗憾的是一直以来刑事诉权理论发展的相当缓慢,似乎已被理论界“遗忘”。笔者通过本文对刑事诉权较为详细地介绍、分析,探析了其导入刑事诉讼理论的可行性与必要性。尽管思想及语言有些稚嫩,但仍希望能够拓展刑事诉讼理论的研究范围,拓宽刑事诉讼理论的分析方法。 本文共分为四章的内容,第一章主要介绍了诉权的一般原理,笔者先在文章的起端对诉权做了概要式的介绍,内容主要是围绕诉权概念的形成,并且对历史上的诉权理论作出了简要的回顾。除此之外,同时对诉权理论的新发展作出了简明扼要的论述。第二章是本文的重点,它从刑事诉权在不同时空中的理论学说开始,论述了刑事诉讼的概念与理论基础,紧接着详述了刑事诉权导入的可行性,以及导入所遇到的理论“障碍”。在上面论述的基础上,本文的第三章主要内容是刑事诉权的特征、行使要素及功能。在文章的最后,论述了刑事诉权的保护问题,在刑事诉权的立法保障之中,结合我国现行刑事诉讼法,分析了简易程序中所体现出的刑事诉权理论。
[Abstract]:This article originates from the author's unremitting thinking on how to effectively and effectively protect the "thin and weak" prosecuted persons under the incomparably powerful public power. Throughout history, there are disputes where there is concentration. When there is a dispute, there is a way to resolve the dispute, from the initial self-help to the public relief that comes from the appearance of the country. This is a process from barbarism to civilization, which demonstrates the development and progress of the society. Is an important achievement of the development of human civilization. However, from another perspective, because of the expansion of public power, it is possible for every actor in society to become "Kafka," that is, to be at the mercy of others. An impossible, intricate, real fantasy situation. Kafka, who is alone and in this situation, is likely to lose his dignity as a result of the oppression of public power. Health and even life. The eternal topic needs to be continuously explored, therefore, we must continue to seriously and seriously think about the "immortal" problem existing in the criminal procedure. So, how can we effectively regulate the exercise of public power? How can the Criminal procedure Law really give play to the value of the "small Constitution"? At first glance, there seems to be a sense of confusion about these problems. The author boldly analyzes these problems by using the theory of the right of action to explain them, and finds that these complex problems are merely superficial problems. In order to fundamentally understand and solve problems, it is not only possible to stipulate a few articles of law and set up a system, but also to expand the way of thinking of the criminal procedure law. The introduction of the criminal prosecution right can deepen the understanding of these problems. The theory of the right of action is the basic theory in the theory of litigation, and the theory of the right of criminal action should also be the basic theory of the theory of criminal procedure, which is related to the theory of criminal purpose and the theory of criminal action. Just like the object theory of criminal procedure, it is an integral part of the basic theoretical framework of criminal law. They play an important role in guiding criminal legislation and criminal judicial activities. However, only in -10s did some scholars pay attention to it. Unfortunately, the theory of criminal right of action has been developing very slowly and seems to have been "forgotten" by the theorists. This paper probes into the feasibility and necessity of introducing the theory of criminal procedure, although the thought and language are somewhat immature, it still hopes to expand the scope of the research of the theory of criminal procedure and broaden the analytical method of the theory of criminal procedure. This article is divided into four chapters, the first chapter mainly introduces the general principles of the right of action, the author first at the beginning of the article to do a summary of the right of action, the content is mainly around the formation of the concept of the right of action. Besides, it also makes a brief and concise discussion on the new development of the theory of the right of action. The second chapter is the focus of this paper, which begins with the theory of criminal right of action in different time and space. This paper discusses the concept and theoretical basis of criminal procedure, and then details the feasibility of introducing criminal right of action, and the theoretical "obstacles" encountered in the introduction. On the basis of the above discussion, the third chapter of this paper is mainly about the characteristics of criminal right of action. At the end of the article, the author discusses the protection of criminal right of action, and analyzes the theory of criminal right of action embodied in summary procedure in the legislative guarantee of criminal right of action, combined with the current criminal procedure law of our country.


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