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发布时间:2018-03-10 16:23

  本文选题:审判中心主义 切入点:侦查中心主义 出处:《河南社会科学》2016年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The proposal of the trial center is a profound reflection on the streamlined operation mode of the public security bureau, the procuratorate and the court in the past in China's criminal judicial process, which is "responsible for, cooperating with, and restricting each other". It is also a top-level examination of the direction and basic framework of reform in the future period. In the period of transition, China put forward adjudication-centrism, which is not the choice of learning Anglo-American law system or learning continental law system. Instead, different legal systems are faced with the common exploration of how to realize fairness and justice, how to correctly convict and sentence, how to guarantee the basic human rights. The proposal of judicial centralism has opened a new stage in the reform of China's judicial system. The re-allocation of judicial power among various subjects and stages has become the most important part of the reform, and how to carry out this reform measure has also become a hot topic to be discussed by the academic and judicial practitioners. In order to better study and implement the fourth session of the 18 National Congress of the people's Republic of China, In the spirit of the Fifth Plenary session of the Fifth Plenary session, the editorial Department of our journal specially invited relevant experts to carry out special research, which has received positive responses from some scholars who have been studying this issue for readers' reference.
【作者单位】: 天津市河北区人民检察院;


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