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发布时间:2018-03-10 20:50

  本文选题:出庭范围 切入点:保护措施 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In criminal cases, the appearance of witnesses to testify in court plays a decisive role in the conviction and sentencing of the people's court, whether from the point of view of punishing the crime or protecting human rights. The trial judge of the criminal case is not the direct witness of the case. The trial process of the case mainly depends on the confession of the criminal suspect and the testimony of the witness to restore the facts of the case. On the basis of facts, the law is used as the criterion for accurate conviction and sentencing. According to this, the function of witnesses appearing in court to testify is self-evident. However, in judicial practice, it has been a difficult problem for judicial practitioners to make witnesses appear in court to testify. Even if testifying in court, there are various obstacles, which make it difficult for the judge to restore the facts of the case, accurately convict and sentence, which is not conducive to punishing the crime and safeguarding the human rights of the criminal suspect. The newly revised Criminal procedure Law of our country in 2012 has made new provisions on witnesses appearing in court to testify, which has made great progress compared with the previous provisions, mainly related to the scope of witnesses, witness protection and compulsory measures, economic security, and so on, which are mainly related to the scope of witnesses appearing in court, witness protection and compulsory measures, economic security, and so on. However, as a new breakthrough, there are still some shortcomings. This paper analyzes the appearance of witnesses in criminal trial cases from 2009 to 2014 in WXY County people's Court, and combines with the existing laws. In order to explore the change of witness appearance rate in criminal case trial before and after the implementation of the new Criminal procedure Law, to analyze the reasons, and to put forward some reasonable suggestions for the perfection of witness testifying system. The text consists of three parts: the first part: the general situation and characteristics of witnesses appearing in court. This paper analyzes the general situation and characteristics of the witnesses appearing in court in our country at present, mainly includes the investigation data, the general situation and the characteristics of the witnesses appearing in court. It lays a foundation for the later analysis of the problems and causes of the witnesses appearing in court. The second part is the analysis of the problems and causes of the witnesses appearing in court. The author collects the court cases by interviewing the public security officials, procuratorates and court officials. As well as properly carrying out the questionnaire survey, summarizes the problems existing in the witnesses appearing in court to testify, and combined with the changes in the system of witnesses appearing in court before the revision of the new Criminal procedure Law, The third part: the concrete measures of the perfection of witness appearing in court. On the basis of analyzing the investigation data, the author analyzes the reasons of the problems in the witness appearing in court and testifying in the judicial practice. Based on the analysis of the problems and reasons of the witnesses appearing in court in our country at present, the author puts forward the corresponding measures to improve the witnesses' testifying in court, mainly including strengthening the citizens' legal consciousness, strengthening the duty of witnesses to testify. To establish the system of investigating witnesses' responsibility for refusing to testify; to perfect the protection system of witnesses' machine near relatives; to construct reasonably the right of exemption of criminal witnesses in our country; to enforce the legislative perfection of witnesses appearing in court; To perfect the financial compensation system of witnesses and establish the reward system for witnesses to testify in court.


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