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发布时间:2018-03-14 16:06

  本文选题:职权主义 切入点:身份关系 出处:《宁波大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:家事从其字面意思理解就是和家庭有关的事,而家事纠纷就是和家庭中的人和财产有关的纠纷。家事纠纷中的当事人不仅不同于普通民事纠纷中的当事人,,家事纠纷中的事也因为家事纠纷的当事人而打上了特殊的情感色彩。家是社会的组成单元,由家庭这个载体所承载的各种关系甚至纠纷都会和整个社会的公益及秩序息息相关。从民事诉讼法的角度来看,家事纠纷被称为家事事件,既有家事诉讼事件,又有家事非诉讼事件。因为家事事件的涉及利益范围广、影响深,早在19世纪的时候,德国立法就开始关注家事事件了。而我国立法至今都没有对家事事件作出专门的规定。本人笔者的目的就是希望通过对域外家事立法的介绍,及对我国目前家事纠纷现状分析,呼吁我国立法机关关注家事立法。由于笔者的能力有限,所以笔者只是针对家事事件中的诉讼事件及家事诉讼程序进行研究。 本文一共写作了四个部分。在第一部分中,笔者是对现有的家事诉讼制度作一个基本的介绍。在界定了家事诉讼与人事诉讼的区别后,定义家事诉讼程序并介绍其范围、审判机构设置和特殊规则。在第二部分中,笔者从家事案件的现况、家事案件自身的特点及民事诉讼模式转换的三个方面分析了我国设立家事诉讼程序的必要性。更深层次从理论和实践上发掘我国是否具备设立家事诉讼程序的可行性。笔者在第二部分的论证中得出我国已经具备设立家事诉讼程序的条件,同时也具有这样的迫切需要。第三部分主要探讨了我国家事诉讼程序制度的立法价值取向、立法模式和基本原则。家事诉讼程序的价值目标是要保护家庭关系中弱势群体的利益、维护家庭关系的稳定。将家事诉讼案件纳入到家事诉讼程序审理可以提高审判效率降低法官的工作压力。第四部分中,笔者对我国独立家事诉讼程序提出具体的程序设计,主要是针对家事诉讼与普通的民事诉讼适用不同规则方面提出一些建议和设想。
[Abstract]:Family matters are related to the family, and family disputes are disputes related to people and property in the family. The parties in the family disputes are not only different from the parties in ordinary civil disputes, Family disputes also have a special emotional color because of the parties to the family disputes. Family is the unit of society. All kinds of relationships and even disputes carried by family are closely related to the public welfare and order of the whole society. From the point of view of the Civil procedure Law, family disputes are called family affairs, and there are family litigation events. There are also family non-litigation incidents. Because family affairs involve a wide range of interests and have a deep impact, as early as 19th century, German legislation has begun to pay close attention to family matters. But so far, our legislation has not made special provisions on family matters. My purpose is to introduce the extraterritorial family legislation and to analyze the current situation of family disputes in our country. The author appeals to the legislature of our country to pay attention to the family legislation. Because of the limited ability of the author, the author only studies the litigation events and the family proceedings in the family affairs. In the first part, the author makes a basic introduction to the existing family litigation system. After defining the difference between family litigation and personnel litigation, the author defines the family litigation procedure and introduces its scope. In the second part, the author starts with the current situation of family cases, The characteristics of family cases and the three aspects of the transformation of civil litigation mode are analyzed. The necessity of establishing family litigation procedure in China is analyzed. In theory and practice, the possibility of establishing family litigation procedure in China is further explored. In the second part of the argument, the author concludes that China already has the conditions for establishing family proceedings. At the same time, there is such an urgent need. The third part mainly discusses the legislative value orientation of the family procedure system in our country. Legislative model and basic principles. The value objective of family proceedings is to protect the interests of vulnerable groups in family relations, Maintaining the stability of family relations. Bringing family litigation cases into family proceedings can improve the efficiency of trial and reduce the working pressure of judges. In part 4th, the author puts forward a specific procedure design for independent family proceedings in China. This paper puts forward some suggestions and ideas on the application of different rules between family action and ordinary civil action.


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