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发布时间:2018-03-14 18:35

  本文选题:非法言词证据 切入点:规则 出处:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The evidence is the foundation of the rule of law, is the realization of justice, the cornerstone for the protection of human rights. In the deepening of the reform of the judicial system, the establishment of a fair and efficient socialist legal system "the authority of the task in the criminal procedure law blindly toward protecting the interests of victims, ignoring the rights of the accused practices, has become a major obstacle to fairness and justice. In response to the social respect and safeguard human rights. The constitutional concept of evidence system as a basic system of the country under the rule of law, is the core of litigation system, and the illegal evidence exclusion rules as" an important rule of evidence > is excluded, guaranteeing human rights and to prevent inquisition by torture and other violations of human rights. The rules for an important institutional guarantee it has its own value of litigation, adopted by most countries in the world, and become a United Nations Criminal Justice Standards. However, since the implementation of China's criminal The exclusionary rule of illegal evidence in long-term vacuum, in the judicial practice of illegal evidence inquisition by torture phenomenon has always existed, illegal evidence exclusion is not clearly defined, not a standard. Exclusionary procedure is not perfect, resulting in the stage of investigation, prosecution and trial stages of illegal verbal evidence. It is difficult to get rid of heavy confession there has been a judicial activities of criminal procedure I in the light of real, "the investigators tend to insist on obtaining confessions as the detection of cases and the basis for conviction and sentencing. At the same time in order to improve the efficiency of the investigation, investigators often take illegal means to get a lot of confession, according to the criminal suspect, the defendant's confession, again lead to deadlock in evidence, confession judicial cognition. The theory and practice of the" fruit of the poisonous tree "is not a recognized, the effectiveness of illegal evidence derived physical evidence is not clear, illegal evidence The punishment is single, the defendant insufficient relief. Influence of the traditional legal thinking on the rules in the implementation process, heavy resistance, resulting in frequent miscarriages of justice, seriously affect the relief of offenders conviction and sentencing and the rights of the accused. At the same time, is a big change in the world today. A period of great development, the growing trend of economic globalization, cultural integration force constantly infiltration. In foreign countries, the legal consciousness and the rights and interests of people from top to bottom of the self protective way of thinking continues to strengthen, illegal evidence rule theory is relatively perfect. In contrast to Britain and Germany. With the British judicial characteristics more in evidence exclusion rules in order to maintain social stability, in strict restrictions, for serious illegal evidence excluded retains the discretion of certain limit, created a few illegal Evidence exclusion exceptions. For the "fruit of the poisonous tree", the British "evidence law > basis to decide whether to exclude non arbitrary confession, while the United States has taken out ideas, regardless of whether there is evidence to prove the facts of the case, as long as it is illegal, should be excluded. In the critical process of the development of Germany free proof, for the fruit of the poisonous tree" to take a more cautious attitude, the main use of the "balance theory" and "hierarchical" study theory. But in the rule of law, as the law, legal exchanges between nations have become more and more closely, the development of the rules of evidence showing a mutual for reference, gradually move closer to trend. But the adoption of the legitimacy and evidence forensics on the handover from country to country law where there will inevitably be friction, especially about the conditions in which the application of evidence exclusion rules. There was a serious problem. If different way of evidence although in line with the law of the requested state judicial assistance, but their violation of the criminal procedure law of < >, that would be the exclusionary rule, what is out of the premise, these problems are to be solved global dilemma. Therefore in the study of illegal evidence exclusion rules. To explore the achievements of his country, has an important guiding significance to perfect our country "law of evidence >. Life is the implementation of the law, how will the paper on the flexible use of evidence law to practice, into action on the law, but also need to continue to explore. Therefore, in promoting the center under the background of litigation system reform the trial, improve the exclusionary rule of illegal verbal evidence system, has become the focus of attention of the society. In practice it for the protection of human rights, limiting the abuse of power and justice is not The role of underestimation is the only way to realize the dream of great China's rule of law.



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