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发布时间:2018-03-15 19:44

  本文选题:未成年犯罪人 切入点:犯罪特征 出处:《安徽大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the implementation of the new criminal procedure law, China's criminal justice system has entered a new period. The salient change with regard to underage offenders is a special chapter in the special procedures, with a total of 11 articles, This makes the criminal procedure of the minor criminal appear relatively independent in the legislative style, which is not only the embodiment of the new criminal procedure law in its principle of punishing crime and safeguarding human rights, It also fully reflects the concern of our society for the protection of the rights and interests of juvenile offenders. With the development of the construction of the rule of law and the strengthening of the degree of civilization, Giving special protection to minors and giving them special social care is a consensus that has been reached all over the world. As a transitional period of society, it is a critical stage of life. Because most of them are in the period of rebellion, There is also a strong sense of autonomy and challenge, its cognitive discrimination is deficient, the thinking and behavior have a strong plasticity. If not given the correct guidance and adequate care, coupled with the influence of social factors, it is easy to form adverse psychology, Therefore, caring for minors and establishing a scientific and complete protection system for minors are inevitable, especially today when the protection of human rights is highlighted. The prevention of juvenile delinquency and the rescue care of minor offenders are two important aspects of the harmonious development of society. Vulnerable to adverse social factors, we eventually embark on the road of crime. This not only requires us to give special attention to juvenile offenders in our judicial activities and open a "green channel," but also requires us to mobilize the strength of the whole society through the efforts of the whole people. From family to school and society, we should give more care to minors. Social care includes legal care, educational care, survival care, development care, etc. The healthy growth of minors needs social care. Juvenile offenders need special care from society. Therefore, how to create a good social environment to promote the physical and mental development of minors is a difficult problem that must be overcome. It is an important measure to purify the social environment to carry forward the positive spirit in the whole society. At the same time, due to the particularity of the minor offenders themselves, their life has just begun, and to a certain extent they have been given better care, insisting on "education as the main thing." It is of great significance for punishment to be secondary to the principle of "making it go astray". This paper focuses on the basic situation of juvenile delinquency, and expounds briefly the behavior characteristics, present situation and new features of juvenile delinquency. To find and analyze the common psychological reasons of juvenile delinquency, to think rationally, and to try to analyze the current social care of juvenile delinquents in our country, and to draw lessons from foreign practices, and to analyze and explore the social care of juvenile offenders in an all-round way. In particular, humanistic and judicial care can facilitate the effective prevention and reduction of juvenile delinquency and the strengthening of ideological education and legal concepts for minors under the current situation. At the same time, how to improve the juvenile justice system to provide a positive reference value.


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