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发布时间:2018-03-17 06:44

  本文选题:未决羁押场所 切入点:职能 出处:《华中师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Places of custody, different countries have different titles in China, known as the detention center. In recent years, the reform of China's detention system is the voice of the common law circles of our country, many scholars suggested that the state establish special detention law, to replace the current detention regulations. In terms of legislative body, scholars they generally believe that the law should be made by the organ of state power rather than the Ministry of public security. The system reform become a hot issue in the law circle of China, the scholars of our country the legislation mode of the detention system reform goal, system and mechanism of detention, the detention center management and supervision. Supervision right and obligation, the legal responsibility put forward many useful insights, and has important reference significance for the reform of China's detention system. However, in my Ancient Chinese Literature Search circles, also failed to keep the function of scholars Special study. Function of the detention center is one of the fundamental problems of detention system reform direction, whether it is the choice of the legislative mode of the establishment of institutional mechanisms, management and supervision of detention, the detention center of the legal responsibility, can not avoid the function of detention this basic theoretical issues. It has very important theoretical significance and practical significance to study the detention center functions, on the one hand, in line with the principle of rule of law in custody pending control of modern constitutional principle, on the other hand, is conducive to the reform of the detention center. This article attempts to study Chinese and foreign pending detention places function evolution history, grasp the evolution of the functions of pretrial detention places from the angle of law, vertical orientation of the functions of the detention center to provide forward-looking guidance; through the introduction of extraterritorial custody places for functions, functions of the Chinese detention center set With a horizontal reference. And on this basis, put forward some countermeasures to perfect our country detention system. Reviewed the evolution history of the functions of pretrial detention places, can be found, probably experienced functions from pure punishment to punishment function based, supplemented by lawsuit protection function; mainly from the litigation security functions, supplemented by punishment function then, to protect the main proceedings, the protection of human rights as a supplement, finally to the protection of human rights, litigation security supplemented by the history of the development process. The re orientation of our detention center functions, to protect the rights of criminal suspects for primary responsibility, to supervise the handling behavior, constraints handling organs important functions, in order to ensure the smooth action as the basic function. The historical evolution tendency and law reform of our detention system must adapt to the Chinese and foreign custody places functions, to protect the suspect, the defendant's human rights The value goal, the specific content of the design of our detention system. This thesis consists of four parts: the first part: the theoretical basis of interpretation of pending detention places functions. The functions of pretrial detention places by the specific historical period of different political system under the concept of criminal law and criminal procedure values. The purpose of penalty concept, litigation security concept the idea of protecting human rights is an important theoretical basis for place functions of pretrial detention. The second part: through the investigation of Chinese and foreign outstanding places of detention function evolution history, summarizes the trends and patterns of function evolution, for our country the reform provided to prospective value. The third part introduces the existing functions of China's pretrial detention places. Analyze the main problems of our country's pretrial detention places existing functions exist in the implementation of China's pretrial detention places. Including the existing functions: custody supervision and investigation support functions, V. Lawsuit protection functions and protection of human rights. The functions of investigation and custody, custody supervision system is unreasonable, inadequate protection of human rights is the main problem of China's pretrial detention places existing functions exist in the implementation of the fourth part: the perfection of pretrial detention places functions include: suggestions. In order to protect the human rights of criminal suspects for primary responsibility, in case the behavior control handling organs important functions, in order to ensure the smooth criminal procedure as the basic function. To achieve the function of our detention, detention system must be established to detect custodial separation, strengthen the custody of the human rights protection, and strengthen supervision of the detention center.



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