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发布时间:2018-03-18 04:15

  本文选题:行政诉讼 切入点:证据补充规则 出处:《中共重庆市委党校》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In order to restrict the administrative power of the administrative organs in the substantive legal relations and to guarantee the equal relations between the subjects of the legal relations, As one of the core issues in administrative litigation, the evidence system of administrative litigation is a weapon for the parties to carry out administrative proceedings and safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. It is also a tool for the people's courts to find out the facts of the case and to distinguish the truth of the disputed facts. As a result of the rapid development of social economy, administrative disputes have become more and more diversified and complicated in administrative litigation. At the same time, it also shows that people pay more and more attention to administrative litigation. Therefore, the core issue of the rule of evidence in administrative litigation becomes more and more important, and it has to be admitted that the rule of evidence is the key in the whole administrative procedure. But the supplementary rule of evidence plays an important role in finding out the truth of the case. Only by correctly grasping the rules of evidence and supplementing the evidence that is effective to the case, Only then can we improve the validity and accuracy of the trial. At present, there are still some problems in the supplementary rules of evidence in administrative litigation in our country, and some scholars in our country have reconstructed and reflected on them. However, most of the research results focus on the distribution of the burden of proof within the statutory or specified period of proof, and insufficient attention has been paid to the phenomenon that a large number of cases exist in judicial practice to supplement evidence beyond the statutory or specified time limit of proof. There are still some problems in this reconstruction, which have little effect on the perfection of the supplementary rules of evidence in administrative litigation. Therefore, this paper will proceed from the connotation, classification, constitutive elements and characteristics of the supplementary rules of evidence in administrative litigation. On the basis of comparing the rules of supplementary evidence in administrative litigation between our country and foreign countries, this paper reflects on the present situation of the supplementary rules of evidence in administrative litigation of our country, and tries to analyze the existing problems and the reasons for the problems. Pointing out the direction for the rules of supplementary evidence in administrative litigation, analyzing the present situation of reconstruction, finding out the problems existing in the reconstruction, and finally pointing out the concrete countermeasures of reconstruction. Finally, it will explore and study the trend of the system of supplementary rules of administrative litigation evidence in our country in the future, and put forward corresponding suggestions in order to provide some reference and guidance for the trial of administrative litigation cases in our country.


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