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发布时间:2018-03-18 09:06

  本文选题:错案 切入点:诉讼 出处:《西南财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:刑事错案的发生在任何社会以及国家都是不可避免的,对刑事错案的预防与救济是每个法治国家的不懈追求。在抨击刑事错案发生的同时,刑事错案纠正机制的构建也被人们所关注。刑事错案的产生是由多种因素引起的,其造成的危害一般是不可逆的。不管是在理论上还是在实践中,刑事错案一直都是困挠我国刑事司法的难题。如何发现刑事错案并加以纠正更是目前司法界面临的一个重大问题。本文以刑事错案的发现和纠正为着眼点,来对刑事错案纠正制度进行研究,即通过对国内外刑事错案的发现机制和纠正制度的分析论述,找出制约刑事错案不能被及时纠正的现状及原因,并参考域外可取因素,针对出现的制度性和程序性问题提出相关完善措施。 本文除导论和结语外一共分为四个部分。 第一部分为基本理论概述部分,从不同角度和学说对刑事错案的概念进行分析概括,指出本文所研究的刑事错案的范围是已发生法律效力的刑事判决中的错案,以及特指无辜者被判有罪的错案。并对刑事错案的类型从不同层面进行叙述,继而更全面地把握其性质以便于更好地对其进行研究;同时对刑事错案的危害进行分析,主要从损害司法权威、损害人权以及浪费司法资源三方面加以论述,充分表现出完善我国刑事错案纠正制度的必要性,以及加强刑事错案的发现能力和纠错能力是当务之急要解决的问题。 第二部分主要是对域外国家的刑事错案纠正制度的总结分析。大陆法系和英美法系国家在对刑事错案的发现和纠正上具有不同的特点,归纳起来,各个国家在刑事错案的纠正中形成了几种显著模式,即1、诉权纠正模式,其强调无辜者的诉权和司法机关的司法权相结合,简单的说,就是控辩双方针对生效判决的申请再审的一种纠正刑事错案的模式,如德国的刑事再审制度;2、国家机关纠正模式,强调有监督职能的国家权力机关对司法权的制约,如英国的刑事案件审查委员会制度、瑞典的议会监察专员制度以及检察机关通过监督提起再审;3、民间组织推动纠正模式,即依靠民间力量对司法权进行监督,如美国的无辜者运动。在对这些制度进行分析的同时指出其合理以及不足之处,可以借鉴其合理因素从而为后文提出完善措施提供参考。 第三部分关键在于分析我国刑事错案纠正制度的立法和运行现状以及结合案例分析,指出对于错案的纠正包括发现和纠正,我国目前对刑事错案的发现具有偶然性,根据立法,我国刑事再审制度的主要目的是纠正刑事错案,理论上,其承载着纠错的任务,同时又具有主动发现错案的任务,但实践中,再审制度对于错案发现的功能几乎为零,由于各种原因,权力机关极少主动去发现错案,同时,申诉制度存在缺陷,申诉人的申诉往往得不到足够重视,继而明确指出我国缺乏规范的刑事错案发现机制;同时分析了再审纠正程序在运行中存在的一些主要问题,主要从再审的启动主体、启动理由以及审理法院、原则等进行分析,以此为后文有针对性地提出完善建议提供依据。 第四部分以第三部分现状分析为基础,并结合第二部分域外刑事错案纠正的成功经验,对完善我国刑事错案纠正制度提出建议。笔者主要从三方面来提出完善建议,即错案的发现机制、错案的纠正制度以及错案纠正的原则;具体来说,建议设立独立的刑事错案反应机构以弥补实践中错案发现偶然性的缺陷,有利于主动发现错案和方便申诉人申诉,同时为节约司法资源应相应地撤销一些申诉部门;在完善再审纠正制度上,对再审启动主体加以规范,笔者经过分析,建议撤销法院主动启动再审程序的权力,限制检察机关的启动权,以及赋予申诉人再审诉权;针对再审启动理由缺乏可操作性等问题,将再审启动理由明确化、规范化,同时对管辖法院和审理时限等作出明确规定;最后,为保障被告人人权、充分发挥再审纠错功能,指出在对刑事错案进行再审纠正时应该遵循再审不加刑的原则。
[Abstract]:Occurrence of misjudged criminal cases in any society and country are unavoidable, prevention and remedy of Criminal Misjudged Case is the relentless pursuit of every country under the rule of law. The attacks on the occurrence of criminal crime at the same time, criminal crime correcting mechanism is also of concern to the people. The birth of the Criminal Misjudged cases are caused by many factors, its harm the general is not reversible. Whether in theory or in practice, has always been brothering criminal crime problem of criminal justice in our country. How to discover and correct the Criminal Misjudged Case is a major problem currently facing the judiciary. The Criminal Misjudged Cases found and corrected as the starting point, to carry out research the criminal crime correcting system, which is discussed by domestic and International Criminal Misjudged Case discovery mechanism and correct system, find out the current situation and reasons of restricting the Criminal Misjudged Case is not promptly corrected, and With reference to extraterritorial factors, some relevant measures are put forward in view of the institutional and procedural problems.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into four parts.
The first part is an overview of the basic theory, the concept of Criminal Misjudged Case from different angles and theory analyzing, this paper points out the range of the Criminal Misjudged Case criminal judgement is legally effective in misjudged cases, and in particular to innocent persons convicted of Criminal Misjudged Cases and misjudged cases. Types from different aspects of narrative then, a more comprehensive grasp of the nature in order to better carry on the study; at the same time the harm of Criminal Misjudged Case analysis, mainly from the damage the judicial authority, discusses the damage to human rights and waste of judicial resources in three aspects, fully demonstrated the necessity of perfecting our criminal crime correcting system, and strengthen the ability to find the Criminal Misjudged Case and the error correction ability is a pressing matter of the moment to solve the problem.
The second part is the analysis of the extraterritorial national criminal crime correct system. Summarize the civil law and common law countries have different characteristics, in the Criminal Misjudged Cases found and corrected on the sum up, various countries have formed several significant mode in the Criminal Misjudged Case in which 1 correct, right correct mode, right of judicial power the judiciary and its emphasis on the innocent combination, simply said, is for the parties to apply for a retrial verdict of a correct criminal crime pattern, such as Germany's criminal retrial system; 2, state organs correct mode, emphasize the organs of state power supervised function restriction of jurisdiction, such as the UK the criminal cases review committee system, the Swedish ombudsman system and procuratorial organs through the supervision of retrial; 3, folk organizations to promote the correct mode, which rely on the civil power of Supervision of judicial power, such as the innocent movement of the United States, analyzes these systems, points out their rationality and shortcomings, and draws lessons from their reasonable factors, so as to provide references for later improvement measures.
The third part is the key of legislation and operation status of our criminal crime correcting system, combined with case analysis, pointed out that the correction involves finding and correcting the misjudged cases, China's current Criminal Misjudged Cases that are accidental, according to law, the main purpose of the criminal retrial system of our country is to correct the misjudged criminal cases, in theory, its bearing the error correction task, and active found the misjudged case task, but in practice, the retrial system for misjudged cases found function is almost zero, due to various reasons, authorities rarely take the initiative to find the misjudged cases, at the same time, the system has some defects, the complainant's appeal is often not enough attention, and then pointed out that in China the lack of standard of Criminal Misjudged Case discovery mechanism; and analyses some main problems existing in the operation procedure of retrial correction, mainly from the main body to start retrial, start the reason As well as the analysis of the court and the principles of the court, it provides the basis for the further improvement of the proposal.
The fourth part to the third part of the analysis of the status quo, combined with the successful experience of the second part of the extraterritorial criminal crime correcting, the perfection of our criminal crime correcting system are proposed. The author mainly from three aspects to put forward suggestions for improvement, namely the discovery mechanism of misjudged cases, case correction system and the principle of misjudged case; specifically, the criminal the reaction mechanism of misjudged cases proposed independent practice to compensate for the misjudged cases found the accidental defects, to take the initiative to find convenient and misjudged the complainant complaint, at the same time to save the judicial resources should be revoked some complaints department; in improving the retrial correction system, to regulate the subject of retrial, the author through the analysis, the proposed revocation of the court initiatively start retrial procuratorial power, limit the right to start, and give the complainant for retrial; retrial reason lack. For such problems, the reason of retrial starting clear, standardized, and make clear provisions on the jurisdiction of the court and the trial time; finally, to protect the human rights of the accused, give full play to the function of retrial correction, retrial correction of Criminal Misjudged Cases should follow the principle of retrial without punishment.



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