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发布时间:2018-03-20 07:07

  本文选题:行政诉讼 切入点:证明标准 出处:《上海师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The standard of proof is the core of the litigation system, has great theoretical and practical significance for the parties and the judicial organs. The standard of proof in administrative litigation, mainly includes two aspects, which are the main parties is the defendant's burden of persuasion standard, and the judicial examination standard. Since the administrative litigation law in our country are due to the fact "clearly, the evidence is reliable and sufficient" is the standard of proof has been heavily criticized, mainly because of "clear facts, evidence really, fully" this standard is too simple, is not conducive to the strict operation. Therefore, the theory has been criticized in the construction of the standard of proof in administrative litigation. Although the new diversification theory to the standard of proof of administrative the construction procedure has reached a consensus, according to different properties of different cases or cases of the different standards of proof, but because the scholars point out the different The construction scheme of Public opinions are divergent. body, not formed a unified understanding. For example, some scholars believe that according to the different types of cases of the different standards of proof, some scholars think it should apply different proof standards according to the different nature of the case. The focus of this article is not to discuss construction of standard of proof on administrative litigation, it mainly discusses about the exclusion of for the problem of reasonable doubt standard in administrative litigation. In criminal proceedings, beyond a reasonable doubt standard is usually regarded as the only standard of proof of guilt, so there is no need for the type of discussion. In contrast, in the standard of proof in administrative litigation is a diversified structure, beyond reasonable doubt is one of the criteria of diversification because of the absence of relevant statute. At present, as well as the theoretical discussion and meticulous enough beyond reasonable doubt in the diversified structure of the A type of application remains to be further clarified. Therefore, this paper mainly discusses the theory about the application in administrative litigation beyond reasonable doubt standard dispute, is excluded from the criminal proceedings in the standard of reasonable doubt whether it can be applied in administrative litigation; if applicable, it shall apply to which of several types of cases. Although the theory has been to build a diversified standard of proof in administrative litigation to reach a consensus, but for what should be a standard as the most stringent standards to apply is still controversial, such as the idea that should be re examination standards or strict standard of proof as the most stringent standards to apply. In this regard, this view should be the standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt standard as the most stringent in the administrative litigation, the main reason is that beyond reasonable doubt is to ensure that the law is true, that judges guest View, make up the administrative procedure is not perfect and can satisfy the legislative purpose of administrative litigation. On how to apply beyond reasonable doubt standard in administrative litigation, we need to explore the applicable standards of scientific and rational and effective to complete the identification of different types of facts. This paper mainly analyzes from two aspects of theory and practice of scholars. The theory is different, some people believe that in the process of administrative litigation is beyond reasonable doubt the case type should include the restriction of personal freedom, ordered to cease and revocation of business licenses and other cases; some point of view is that should include the restriction of personal freedom, the larger the amount of fines and other related to personal rights, property rights case suitable for and so on; in judicial practice, through combing the case beyond reasonable doubt standard on the case of all applicable, conclusions are as follows: In practice the courts beyond reasonable doubt standard types of cases including the restriction of personal freedom cases, work-related injury cases, and the right of the case, forced relocation and so on. Although the court cases did not exclude reasonable doubt standard unified explanation to apply, but the type of case and the court review, and combined with the theory and we can draw the conclusion: for the personal freedom of citizens, major property rights, legal rights and other related to the production and operation of the basic rights of the case, shall be equivalent to the standard of proof of criminal proceedings, that is beyond reasonable doubt.



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