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发布时间:2018-03-20 10:40

  本文选题:医患纠纷 切入点:模式选择 出处:《广东财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:医疗纠纷是我国近年来一个十分突出的社会问题,对之如何进行规范处理,,缓解医患矛盾,遂成为一项重要的课题。当前,我国医疗纠纷的解决措施主要有双方的自行协商,向行政机关申请调解及向法院提起诉讼。双方的协商容易致相关人员或机构逃避法律规定的相关责任,老百姓对于行政机关介入的调解往往持有怀疑的态度,民事侵权诉讼的高成本及时间长等问题使我国的医疗纠纷成为了摆在世人面前的一道难题。尽管将仲裁引入医疗领域作为纠纷的解决方式还存在一些争议,包括医疗纠纷是否具有可仲裁性以及仲裁的必要性等问题,但仍有少数一些地方在开始尝试引用仲裁这种高效、经济、便捷的方式来解决医疗纠纷,如江西的赣州、天津、深圳等地,虽然取得了一定的实践效果,也有着不错的社会价值与意义,但是依然还存在一些问题,如受案范围仅仅局限在本市辖区内,对于一裁终局缺乏救济以及仲裁协议难以达成等。而且我国在医疗纠纷仲裁方面还没有国家的明确立法,所以各个地方的仲裁尚还处于初级的摸索阶段,缺乏统一的仲裁模式、程序设置等,而且对于仲裁的救济、监督也缺乏统一的规定,致使仲裁这一纠纷解决机制在解决医疗纠纷中尚未被普遍适用,没有发挥仲裁自身中立、公正、高效的优势,影响着我国医疗纠纷仲裁机制在我国的发展。为了使我国日益增长的医疗纠纷得到更好的解决,缓解医患之间的尖锐矛盾,切实维护医患之间的合法权益,减少社会的不稳定因素,本文从现行我国的基本国情出发,在总结当前我国医疗纠纷仲裁制度实践探索教训的基础上,同时参考我国宝岛台湾及欧美发达国家如德国、美国等地医疗纠纷仲裁制度的精华部分,提出构建具有中国特色的医疗纠纷仲裁解决机制的设想。 本文通过对当前我国三种法定医疗纠纷解决方式以及当前我国医疗纠纷仲裁存在的局限性分析,提出将仲裁这一高效、经济、便捷的方式运用于处理日渐增长的医疗纠纷。关于当前我国医疗纠纷仲裁程序的构建,本文的观点如下:对于我国医疗纠纷仲裁程序的设置,坚持合理利用现有仲裁资源原则、与医疗责任保险相联系原则、调解前置原则及其意思自治有限原则;关于我国医疗纠纷的仲裁程序流程的具体设计,主要包括医疗纠纷仲裁程序的启动、仲裁庭的组成、仲裁的期间问题以及仲裁的裁决四个方面;除此以外,为了确保医疗纠纷仲裁程序的良好运行,本文还从医疗纠纷仲裁司法监督和人力资源管理两个方面加强了对仲裁程序的保障,以期对我国当前紧张的医患矛盾、日益增长的医疗纠纷有所裨益,促进我国医疗卫生事业的健康、良好发展。
[Abstract]:Medical dispute is a very prominent social problem in China in recent years. How to normalize it and alleviate the contradiction between doctors and patients has become an important subject. At present, the measures of resolving medical dispute in our country mainly include the consultation between the two sides. Apply to an administrative organ for mediation and bring a lawsuit to the court. Consultation between the two parties will easily cause the relevant persons or institutions to evade the relevant responsibilities prescribed by law. The common people often have a skeptical attitude towards mediation involving the administrative organs. The problems of high cost and long time in civil tort litigation make medical disputes in our country a difficult problem in front of the world, although there are still some disputes about the introduction of arbitration into the medical field as a way of resolving disputes. Including the question of whether medical disputes are arbitrable and the necessity of arbitration, however, there are still a few places that are trying to use arbitration as an efficient, economical and convenient way to resolve medical disputes, such as Ganzhou and Tianjin in Jiangxi. Although Shenzhen and other places have achieved certain practical results and have good social value and significance, there are still some problems. For example, the scope of the case is limited to the jurisdiction of this city. For the lack of relief for the final arbitration and the difficulty in reaching an arbitration agreement. Moreover, there is no clear national legislation on medical dispute arbitration in our country, so the arbitration in various places is still in the initial stage of exploration, lacking of a unified arbitration model. The procedure is set up, and the relief for arbitration, supervision is also lack of unified provisions, so arbitration dispute resolution mechanism has not been widely used in the resolution of medical disputes, did not give play to the arbitration itself neutral, impartial, efficient advantage, It affects the development of arbitration mechanism of medical disputes in our country. In order to solve the growing medical disputes better, alleviate the sharp contradiction between doctors and patients, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of doctors and patients, In order to reduce the social instability, this paper proceeds from the current basic conditions of our country, on the basis of summing up the practical exploration and lessons of the current medical dispute arbitration system in China, and at the same time referring to Taiwan, China's treasure island, and developed countries such as Germany in Europe and the United States, The essence of the arbitration system of medical disputes in the United States and other places puts forward the idea of constructing the arbitration and settlement mechanism of medical disputes with Chinese characteristics. Based on the analysis of three kinds of legal medical dispute resolution methods and the limitation of medical dispute arbitration in our country, this paper puts forward that arbitration is an efficient and economical method. The convenient way to deal with the growing medical disputes. Regarding the construction of the current medical dispute arbitration procedure in China, the views of this paper are as follows: regarding the setting up of the medical dispute arbitration procedure in our country, we should adhere to the principle of rational use of the existing arbitration resources. The principle of connection with medical liability insurance, the principle of mediation preposition and the principle of limited autonomy of its meaning, the concrete design of the procedure flow of arbitration for medical disputes in China, including the initiation of arbitration procedure for medical disputes, the constitution of arbitration tribunal, The issue of the duration of the arbitration and the award of the arbitration; in addition, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the medical dispute arbitration procedure, This article also strengthens the safeguard to the arbitration procedure from the medical dispute arbitration judicial supervision and the human resources management, in the hope of our country present tense doctor patient contradiction, the growing medical dispute has the benefit. We will promote the healthy and sound development of China's medical and health services.


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