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发布时间:2018-03-20 11:48

  本文选题:酌定量刑情节 切入点:限制死刑适用 出处:《燕山大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:当今国际社会的主流发展趋势是废除死刑,在已经废除死刑的国家废除死刑和国外在国外尚未完全废除死刑的国家之前,各种因素已经被这些国家利用来限制死刑的适用。在废除死刑制度不符合我国国情的立法背景下,如何合理适当地控制、减少死刑的适用成为摆在我国理论界与司法实务界面前的重大课题。 在绪论中,基于我国限制和控制适用死刑的国情以及世界范围内废除死刑的趋势,首先介绍了本文的选题背景和研究意义。其次,以研究我国的相关论著为基础,归纳了国内现状并进行了评述。通过研读至今仍在刑法中保留死刑的美国、日本和瑞士的相关法律和著作的规定,对国外现状进行了总结。再次,说明本文拟进行的研究方法。 在酌定量刑情节的概述部分中,主张体现酌定量刑情节本质的定义方法。其次,从死刑改判的司法实践以及相关的司法解释中,,归纳出限制死刑适用的酌定量刑情节的种类。再次,指出目前我国死刑裁量中的酌定量刑情节在立法与实际运用两方面存在的问题。 文章最后提出了我国死刑裁量中运用酌定量刑情节的具体措施。首先,部分典型的酌定量刑情节的法定化的实现是当务之急。酌定量刑情节限制死刑适用的典型案例指导制度应该得到确立运用。再次,建立量刑答辩机制以规范酌定量刑情节的适用。另外,酌定量刑情节限制死刑适用关键是提高法官的素质。最后,酌定量刑情节限制适用死刑的监督机制应该得到建立。
[Abstract]:The mainstream trend of development in the international community today is to abolish the death penalty. Before the abolitionist countries abolish the death penalty and the foreign countries that have not abolished the death penalty completely abroad, Various factors have been used by these countries to limit the application of the death penalty. In the context of legislation in which the abolition of the death penalty system is not in line with the national conditions of our country, how to control it reasonably and appropriately, Reducing the application of the death penalty has become an important subject in front of our country's theory and judicial practice. In the introduction, based on the national conditions of restricting and controlling the application of the death penalty in our country and the trend of abolishing the death penalty in the world, the background and significance of this paper are first introduced. Secondly, based on the study of the relevant works of our country, This paper summarizes and comments on the present situation in China. By studying the relevant laws and works of the United States, Japan and Switzerland, which still retain the death penalty in the criminal law up to now, the author summarizes the present situation of foreign countries. Thirdly, it explains the research methods to be carried out in this paper. In the outline part of the discretionary sentencing circumstances, the author advocates the definition of the nature of the discretionary sentencing circumstances. Secondly, from the judicial practice of commutation of the death penalty and the relevant judicial interpretation, Thirdly, the author points out the problems existing in the legislative and practical application of the discretionary sentencing circumstances in the current discretion of death penalty in China. Finally, the article puts forward the specific measures of applying discretionary sentencing circumstances in the discretion of death penalty in our country. First of all, It is urgent to realize the legalization of some typical discretionary circumstances of sentencing. The guiding system of typical cases, which limit the application of death penalty, should be established and applied. In addition, the key to restrict the application of the death penalty in discretionary circumstances is to improve the quality of the judge. Finally, the supervisory mechanism of the application of the death penalty under the circumstances of discretionary sentencing should be established.


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