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发布时间:2018-03-20 17:17

  本文选题:刑事案件 切入点:刑事速裁程序 出处:《延边大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, on the one hand, the number of minor criminal offences, such as theft, dangerous driving, and so on, has been proliferating; on the other hand, the implementation of the system of judges' posts and trial-centered has led to a shortage of judicial personnel in our country's grass-roots courts. In order to resolve the contradiction as soon as possible, to ensure the psychological stability of the public, to maintain social stability, to safeguard the judicial authority, and to refer to the judicial practice of the United States, Germany and other countries, and to combine the principles of cost and efficiency, Since 2014, our country has carried out the pilot work of criminal speedy adjudication. From the analysis of the results of the pilot cases in various places, the criminal speedy adjudication procedure is not only a powerful weapon to solve the current explosive increase in the number of cases, but also a way to alleviate overcrowding in places of detention. In the criminal adjudication procedure, the protection of the defendant's rights has more prominent significance, because the reduction of the criminal quick adjudication procedure itself is the deprivation of part of the defendant's rights and interests. Therefore, we should strengthen the protection of the defendant. How to reconcile the rights of the accused with "justice" as the core and the criminal adjudication procedure with "efficiency" as the essence? How to ensure the transfer of part of their rights and interests in order to achieve efficient procedures of the defendant to obtain the sentencing of "preferential"? The protection of the defendant's rights is not only the soul and vitality of the criminal procedure, but also the core of the value of the criminal procedure law. This paper is divided into four parts, the contents are as follows: the first part is the introduction, In this paper, the background and the present situation of the criminal quick adjudication procedure are reviewed, the purpose and significance of the research are expounded, the scope of the research is selected, and the research method is mainly through the analysis of the trial process. The second part is an overview of the allocation of the rights of criminal quick adjudication procedure, through the review of the development of the system, the basic concepts are defined. The third part is the empirical analysis of the protection of the rights of the defendant, the review of the current legislative situation, according to the trial process of typical cases in the current judicial situation, the third part is the empirical analysis of the protection of the rights of the defendant, the third part is the empirical analysis of the protection of the rights of the defendant. By analyzing the distribution of cases and the proportion of court hearings in criminal speedy adjudication procedures, summarizing the system characteristics of excellent pilot courts, and synthesizing the above contents, To find and analyze the weak part of the protection of defendant's rights in judicial practice and legislation. Part 4th is to perfect the disposition of defendant's right in criminal procedure, mainly according to the weak part of judicial practice and legislation. Through summing up and analyzing the experience of the trial court and combining with the practice, the whole process optimization procedure is put forward. This paper argues that the procedure that can simplify and omit in criminal adjudication should be reduced as much as possible, such as omitting unnecessary cases. For example, the establishment of information sharing systems between organs. However, the procedures that are conducive to the protection of the rights and interests of the defendants should not be compressed by the reduction of the procedures, as compared with the ordinary procedures. More attention should be paid to improving the details of the defendant's rights.


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