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发布时间:2018-03-21 05:16

  本文选题:不起诉制度 切入点:不起诉自由裁量权 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The system of non-prosecution is an important part of the criminal procedure system. It refers to the decision of the procuratorial organ to terminate the proceedings in certain cases which do not meet the conditions of judicial proceedings. The establishment of this system reflects the prudent attitude of the state in the exercise of power, and plays a powerful role in protecting citizens from exercising their legitimate rights and interests, thus ensuring that no perpetrator is exempt from criminal responsibility. To ensure that the purpose of safeguarding human rights is fully reflected in the Code of Criminal procedure; to obviate a large number of unnecessary links, to reduce judicial costs, to reduce the material and human resources required for handling cases, and to reasonably avoid the occupation of judicial resources, In practice, it is very important to restrict and restrict the discretion of non-prosecution, and to exercise it within a reasonable scope. In our country, on the one hand, it is necessary to ensure that the procurator is in the process of hearing a case. To be able to enjoy a certain degree of discretion according to the distinction of the case and the degree of social harm, on the other hand, to control and limit the extent of the discretion in order to prevent abuse of the powers conferred by the law... In this paper, the author will start with the definition of the system of non-prosecution and the restriction mechanism of the discretion of non-prosecution in our country, through the analysis of some relatively non-prosecution cases and suspect non-prosecution cases. This paper explores the deep reasons for the non-prosecution discretion in judicial practice, that is, the legislation is not perfect and scientific, the standard of operation is not clear and unified, the supervision mechanism is merely a formality, and the subjective understanding is not deep enough. This paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures for the improvement and development of the system of discretion of non-prosecution in criminal proceedings in China: perfecting the legislation of the system of non-prosecution, strengthening the strict restriction on the exercise of the discretion of non-prosecution, and standardizing the system of open examination of non-prosecution cases. Promote the linkage between the people's Supervisor system and the related restriction mechanism of non-prosecution.


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