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发布时间:2018-03-23 04:38

  本文选题:非诉行政执行 切入点:裁执分离 出处:《行政法学研究》2017年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The mode of separation of adjudication and enforcement in non-litigation administrative cases encounters different circumstances in theory and practice, which is due to the differences in the understanding and orientation of non-litigation administrative execution between theoretical and practical circles, although the model has encountered various new problems. However, it is necessary to continue to stick to the legal normative structure, the support of judicial data and the guidance of the rule of law policy. The theoretical legitimacy and the legal basis can be determined from the separation of powers and checks and balances, judicial moderate action. The essence of the rule of law, such as separation of functions, can be interpreted, human rights are guaranteed, proper and efficient, separation and cooperation should be regarded as the basic principle of its operation, and the jurisdiction of cases should still adhere to ordinary courts, not all of them should be assigned to cross-district courts. On the type of cases, it is advisable to adopt the idea of the separation of comprehensive adjudication and enforcement, and to realize the standardization of execution procedure, the rationalization of responsibility and the normalization of the relationship between government and hospital.
【作者单位】: 齐鲁工业大学文法学院;北京大学法学院;


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