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发布时间:2018-03-23 06:14

  本文选题:未成年人 切入点:指定管辖 出处:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:未成年人刑事案件审判指定管辖作为指定管辖制度中的一种,既具有一般案件指定管辖的特点,即都是通过上级法院的指定确定某一案件的管辖法院;但又具有其特殊之处,它的适用既不是为了解决案件管辖不明的情况,也不是因为出现了需要回避等特殊事由,而是为了突出未成年人犯罪审判的特点,最大限度地保证未成年人犯罪量刑公平统一,同时也解决当前我国各地区法院在未成年人犯罪审判投入不足,专业性不强的问题。作为一种特殊的程序,它的意义主要体现在推广未成年人犯罪研究和维护未成年人权益上。然而,尽管这项制度在我国的适用已有十几年的历史,但无论是在立法上还是实践中,专家学者对于这项制度的研究讨论并不多,这也是制约其在我国普遍推广的主要原因。由于缺乏立法、理论上的充分支持,不同地区的法院在具体运行这项制度时也都是按照自己的模式操作,在指定管辖法院的确定、案件适用范围以及法院和公安检察机关的衔接模式上都没形成统一的标准,这些都成为了制度运行中面临的困境。因此,我们有必要对这一制度进行全面、深入的分析与了解并帮助其摆脱发展中的困境。 本文在结构上分为四个部分,首先从未成年人刑事案件审判指定管辖的基础性问题入手,通过对它的概念、发展模式、司法理念及学界争议的阐述,明晰制度的基本内涵;第二部分探讨了制度的合理性与必要性,阐述了研究的目的及实行未成年人刑事案件审判指定管辖的意义;第三部分以我国立法与司法实践为视角,分析我国未成年人刑事案件审判指定管辖面临的现实困境与需要解决的问题;第四部分针对前文总结出的制度运行中遇到的问题,,一一提出切实可行的解决思路与方法。
[Abstract]:As one of the designated jurisdiction systems, the designated jurisdiction in juvenile criminal cases has the characteristics of general case designation, that is, the jurisdiction of a case is determined by the appointment of a higher court, but it has its special features. Its application is not to solve the situation of unclear jurisdiction of the case, nor because of special reasons such as the need to avoid it, but to highlight the characteristics of juvenile delinquency trial and to maximize the fairness and unity of sentencing for juvenile delinquency. At the same time, it also solves the problem of insufficient investment and lack of professionalism in juvenile delinquency trials in various district courts of our country. As a special procedure, Its significance is mainly reflected in promoting the research of juvenile delinquency and safeguarding the rights and interests of minors. However, although this system has been applied in our country for more than ten years, it is not only in legislation but also in practice. There is not much research and discussion among experts and scholars on this system, which is also the main reason that restricts its popularization in our country. Due to the lack of legislation, there is sufficient theoretical support. When the courts in different regions operate this system concretely, they also operate according to their own mode. There is no unified standard in the determination of designated jurisdiction courts, the scope of application of cases, and the mode of convergence between the courts and public security procuratorial organs. Therefore, it is necessary for us to make a comprehensive and in-depth analysis and understanding of the system and to help it get rid of the predicament in the course of development. This article is divided into four parts in structure. Firstly, it starts with the basic problems of assigned jurisdiction in juvenile criminal cases, and clarifies the basic connotation of the system through the elaboration of its concept, development model, judicial concept and academic controversy. The second part discusses the rationality and necessity of the system, expounds the purpose of the study and the significance of implementing the designated jurisdiction in juvenile criminal cases. The third part takes the legislation and judicial practice of our country as the angle of view. This paper analyzes the practical difficulties and problems to be solved in the assigned jurisdiction of juvenile criminal cases in our country. The fourth part puts forward practical ideas and methods to solve the problems encountered in the operation of the system summarized above.


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