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发布时间:2018-03-24 05:24

  本文选题:网络时代 切入点:法官 出处:《安徽大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The network age is a highly free and open multivariate era. The network media is highly developed, the media information is complex, the good and bad are intermingled, and the influence on the daily life and work and study of the public is increasing. Judge is a member of the public. Also living and working in the network environment, contact and use of network media and their information has long been a part of their lives and work, and will also be influenced by network media and their information. Citizens' concept of rule of law, awareness of legal rights and their ability to protect their rights have been improving, and more and more attention has been paid to the trial of legal cases. The supervision and reporting of judicial trials has always been an important part of the work of the network media, which pursues the value of news. These innate characteristics of commercial interests and social sensations determine that the judges are the focus of attention in the network media. Especially today, the emphasis is placed on the rule of law society in which the media and public opinion supervise the administration of justice. This has led to the increasing influence of Internet media public opinion on the work of judges, and the majority of the negative effects. For example, public opinion trial. But at present, the overall media literacy of judges in our country is generally low, they do not have the skills of skilled application of network media information, and they lack the ability to deal effectively with the interference of network media to their trial work. At the same time, the judges have not set up the news view and the consciousness of "news discourse right" in the network era. The lack of respect for the right of public opinion supervision of the network media and the tolerance of the supervision of the public opinion of the network media. In the network age, it is a realistic requirement to ease the confrontation between the judges and the network media by requiring judges to possess the qualities of the network media. It is the requirement of the times to conform to the development trend of the network, and the self-requirement of the professional perfection of the judges. It is also the push of offside supervision of network media and the promotion of trial publicity. Improving the media literacy of judges has become an important means to resolve the relationship between judicature and media conflict. It is also an urgent requirement to improve the judges' comprehensive literacy and the ability of judicial work. But at present, the judges' media literacy education in our country is still the main theoretical research stage, and has not yet formed a perfect system of judges' media literacy education. The media literacy of judges needs to be improved urgently. The reasons for the above phenomenon are mainly lack of the theory of judges' media literacy education. In order to improve the media literacy of judges in a short period of time, education is the most effective way to promote it. As a systematic project, the education of judges' media literacy is a systematic project. It is necessary to define its educational objective, its educational content and its ability requirements. In addition to mastering the general content of media literacy education, judges should also master the relationship between the judiciary and the media. How to deal with the professional contents such as "media trial" and "network trial" and how to deal with the professional contents such as "media trial" and "network trial"; at the same time, they should also have the following abilities: the ability of collecting and evaluating public opinion, the ability of guiding public opinion, The ability to deal with the media reports in court. To carry out the media literacy education of judges, it is necessary to carry out the top-level design and write the education of the judges' media literacy into the fifth five-year reform outline of the people's Court, so as to provide policy guarantee for the education of the judges' media literacy. It is necessary to increase the investment in the media literacy education of judges, to provide financial guarantee for the media literacy education of judges, and to provide teacher training for the media literacy education of judges through perfecting the media literacy education of judges in the judges' colleges. At the same time, we should pay attention to the media literacy education in law colleges and universities, so that the judges' media literacy education should be started from the law students.


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