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发布时间:2018-03-25 19:05

  本文选题:经验法则 切入点:民事诉讼 出处:《贵州大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The life of law lies in experience, and the rule of experience is an important rule to identify facts, evaluate evidence and determine the power of proof in civil proceedings. It is an important criterion for the judge to prove the case. The correct application of the rule of experience in the civil action is helpful for the judge to judge the power of proof by evaluating the evidence to correctly identify the facts and apply the law correctly. The interpretation of the Supreme people's Court on the Application of the Civil procedure Law of the people's Republic of China promulgated and implemented on February 4, 2015, the fourth item of Article 93 and Article 105 clearly stipulate the rules of experience. The rule of thumb developed from the civil law system, It is the social universal rational cognition that human beings inherit and accumulate in the long-term production and life practice and form the normal connection or attribute state between things, which is the basis of the judge's determination of the facts of the case and the application of the law. The rule of thumb in civil litigation belongs to the dual category of legal and factual problems, which is objective and subjective, abstract and concrete. In civil litigation, the rule of experience has the function of determining facts and applying law. However, from the perspective of the practice of civil trial, there are two kinds of improper states in the application of the rule of experience: default and misapplication. The perfection of the rule of experience should be devoted to strengthening the professional quality of judges and improving the level of judicial professional ability and humanistic accomplishment of judges. To create an empirical guidance case, to support experts to assist in court to provide professional advice, legislative regulation and so on.


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