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发布时间:2018-03-26 01:30

  本文选题:行政预测决定 切入点:风险警示 出处:《甘肃政法学院学报》2014年03期

[Abstract]:The risk warning commonly used in risk regulation generally has a great impact on the rights and interests of people concerned with risk matters. In order to carry out effective legal relief, some viewpoints try to position risk warning as administrative legal behavior. Looking at risk warning in isolation may not be able to interpret its nature accurately, and will result in conflict with the existing administrative behavior theory system. Risk warning is essentially an act by which an administrative organ, on the basis of making an administrative prediction decision, publishes the content of the decision, thereby providing the public with information on the risks. Belonging to the category of administrative factual behavior. Although the person concerned in the matter of risk cannot file an administrative lawsuit against the risk warning, he may, according to the experience of the administrative forecast decision of the judicial review abroad, Applying to review the decision of administrative forecast and combining with the special system such as preventive omission litigation and proper standard of examination, the aim of judicial remedy is to provide judicial relief to the relevant risk regulation behavior.
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学法学院;


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