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发布时间:2018-03-27 10:26

  本文选题:电子证据 切入点:正当程序 出处:《环球法律评论》2017年01期

[Abstract]:From the point of view of procedural justice, criminal investigation and forensics should follow the principle of proportionality between cracking down on crime and safeguarding citizens' basic rights. The principle of proportionality requires that the investigation and collection of evidence satisfy four basic requirements, namely, the requirement of objective legitimacy. The requirement of matching the purpose of means, the requirement of modesty, the requirement of cost-benefit balance. The four requirements are progressive step by step. Forming a whole set of internal logical self-consistent procedural norms system of electronic forensics. On the one hand, the characteristics of electronic evidence make it an independent type of evidence. On the other hand, these characteristics also pose a challenge to the traditional rules of investigation and evidence based on the four basic requirements of the principle of proportionality. The legal norm's response to the challenge should be carried out within the basic framework of the principle of proportionality. The key is to refine the classification of electronic evidence according to the degree of individual right intervention, and on the basis of this classification, to define the reasonable limits of evidence collection behavior, and to provide evaluation criteria for measuring the legitimacy of right intervention.
【作者单位】: 北京航空航天大学法学院;


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