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发布时间:2018-03-28 10:28

  本文选题:无罪推定 切入点:证明责任 出处:《法学杂志》2013年10期

[Abstract]:The presumption of innocence, as an important principle of criminal justice, originated in ancient Roman law and was established in modern times and has been established by the United Nations human rights conventions and the constitutions of countries governed by the rule of law. The principle of presumption of innocence requires that a person charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent before he is proved guilty, and the burden of proof shall be borne by the prosecution, and the proof shall meet the standard of proof beyond reasonable suspicion. The handling of suspected cases should be beneficial to the accused. There is no clear expression of presumption of innocence in the present Criminal procedure Law of our country. Although its spirit is gradually displayed and strengthened, it is still not really in place. The article 12 should be revised to adopt the internationally accepted expression of the presumption of innocence principle; the only combination of reasonable doubt and conclusion should be applied; and the rule of "doubt in favor of the accused" should be perfected and resolutely implemented.
【作者单位】: 中国政法大学;北京科技大学;中央民族大学法学院;


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