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发布时间:2018-03-28 10:42

  本文选题:和谐社会 切入点:刑事和解 出处:《上海交通大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Under the background of harmonious society, criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution is a kind of exploration and development of the diversified settlement mechanism of criminal disputes. It is the need of constructing a harmonious socialist society and carrying out the criminal justice policy of combining leniency and severity. The combination of criminal reconciliation and relative non-prosecution seems to be a simple superposition of words, and its essence is a complement and perfection to the two systems. It is also a new sublimation of the criminal justice system and a new criminal problem-solving mechanism. It is of great significance to build a harmonious socialist society. The purpose of this paper is to combine the empirical research on criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution cases through the existing research results. This paper tries to construct an effective mechanism of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution under the concept of harmonious society. Under the guidance of theory and summing up the practical experience, this paper aims at the establishment of this system in the construction of a harmonious society. This topic will be discussed and studied from the following five aspects: the first part is about the introduction of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution in a harmonious society. The second part is about the practice of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution in harmonious society. This paper makes a systematic analysis and comparison of the application of the three modes of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution in practice. The third part is about the development of the criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution system in the judicial practice of the people's procuratorate of Changning district of shanghai, mainly through the handling of the criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution cases in the Changning district court in recent years. To analyze the development trend of the criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution system. Comparing the differences in the application of the system before and after the new Criminal procedure Law, and through the in-depth discussion and analysis of two typical cases, Further expounds the practice and feasibility of the system of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution in a harmonious society. The fourth part is based on the above theoretical research and empirical analysis. This paper puts forward some shortcomings of the system of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution in judicial practice: the legal basis is not clear, the application procedure is complicated, the internal motivation is lacking, and the parties "spend money to buy punishment" violate the principle. The fifth part is about the suggestion of perfecting the system of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution. By summing up several principles of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution, In order to further guide and perfect the construction of the system, mainly include: clearly apply the applicable standards of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution, standardize the procedure of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution, In order to promote the vigorous development of the system of criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution in the judicial practice, we should establish the relevant supporting system after criminal reconciliation and non-prosecution and strengthen the safeguard mechanism of procuratorial organ to exercise the discretion of non-prosecution correctly.


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