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发布时间:2018-03-29 17:56

  本文选题:共有物返还诉讼 切入点:诉讼标的 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:共有普遍存在于社会各个领域中。共有物被侵占的现象也时常发生,我国《物权法》上虽然规定了物权人在所有物被侵占时,可以请求返还原物,但在共有章节中却没有对共有人应当如何行使权利作出比较明确的规定。而事实上仔细分析会发现共有物的返还并不仅仅是一个单纯的实体法上的问题,它还涉及到民事诉讼领域的很多问题,应当说是一个实体法与诉讼法交错纵横的问题。本文的主要内容就是从民事诉讼法的角度,并结合实体法的相关规定,对共有物返还诉讼所涉及到的相关问题进行研究、分析,试图将相关的问题论述清楚,使之既有理论上的可行性,又有实践上的有用性。 本文除去引言和结语外,正文一共分为了六个部分,共计3万余字。 第一部分是共有与共有物返还诉讼概述。这部分主要包括两部分:一是共有的概念与分类,主要对共有的概念、分类、内外部关系等问题进行了阐述;二是共有物返还诉讼概述,主要对共有物返还诉讼提起的依据、共有物返还诉讼的概念以及共有物返还诉讼的性质进行了简要分析。 第二部分是共有物返还诉讼的诉讼标的。主要是对共有情形下,尤其是分别共有的情况下,诉讼标的的个数以及学者之间的不同看法等进行了分析与研究。 第三部分是共有物返还诉讼的适格原告。该部分分两种情况对相关的问题进行阐述:一是在分别共有的情形下并没有当事人不适格的问题;二是在共同共有的情形下,因为当事人适格这一问题会涉及到共同共有人中有部分共有人没有参加诉讼的情况,问题比较难以解决,,所以本文对这部分予以重点论述。 第四部分是共有物返还诉讼的诉讼形态。该部分对诉讼形态的分类进行了简要的论述,并在此基础上分情况论述了共有物返还诉讼的诉讼形态。 第五部分是共有物返还诉讼的判决效力。这一部分是本文论述的重点。该部分主要是探讨了共有人中一人或数人,为了全体共有人的利益提起共有物返还诉讼,其判决效力的主观范围是否及于其他未共同起诉的共有人的问题,并对学者在这个问题上的不同看法做了一定程度的分析。 第六部分是共有物返还诉讼的第三人程序保障。该部分对不同程度的第三人程序保障的模式作了简单总结,并在此基础上以事前程序保障与事后程序保障作为论述的侧重点,就如何保障未起诉共有人的程序权利作了研究与论述。
[Abstract]:Common ownership is common in all fields of society. The phenomenon of common property encroachment also occurs frequently. Although it is stipulated in the property Law of our country that the real right person may request the return of the original property when the property is encroached upon, However, in the common chapter there is no clear provision as to how the co-owner shall exercise his rights. In fact, careful analysis shows that the return of the common property is not merely a matter of substantive law. It also involves many problems in the field of civil procedure, which should be said to be a matter of interlacing substantive law and procedural law. The main content of this paper is from the angle of civil procedure law and combined with the relevant provisions of substantive law. This paper studies and analyzes the related problems involved in the litigation of the return of common property, and tries to expound the relevant problems clearly, so as to make them both theoretically feasible and useful in practice. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the text is divided into six parts, a total of more than 30,000 words. This part includes two parts: one is the concept and classification of mutual ownership, mainly the concept of common ownership, classification, internal and external relations and other issues; The second part is a summary of the mutual property return litigation, mainly on the basis of the common property return action, the concept of the common property return action and the nature of the common property return action. The second part is the object of the litigation for the return of common things. It mainly analyzes and studies the number of the object of the lawsuit and the different views of the scholars in the case of mutual ownership, especially in the case of mutual ownership. The third part is the suitable plaintiff in the mutual property return action. This part is divided into two kinds of situations to elaborate the related problems: one is that there is no problem in the case of mutual ownership and the other is in the case of joint ownership. Because the problem of party qualification will involve the situation that some co-owners do not take part in the lawsuit, it is difficult to solve the problem, so this article focuses on this part. The fourth part is the litigation form of the mutual property return litigation, which briefly discusses the classification of the litigation form, and on the basis of this, discusses the litigation form of the mutual property return litigation. The fifth part is the validity of the judgment of the mutual property return litigation. This part is the focus of this paper. This part mainly discusses one or more of the joint owners, for the benefit of all the joint owners. Whether the subjective scope of the validity of the judgment is equal to the problem of other co-owners who have not jointly sued, and to a certain extent, the different views of scholars on this issue are analyzed to a certain extent. The sixth part is the third party procedural protection of the mutual property return litigation. This part makes a brief summary of the different degree of third party procedural protection mode, and on this basis, takes the prior procedural protection and the ex post procedural protection as the emphases of the discussion. This paper discusses how to protect the procedural rights of non-litigants.


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1 李龙;;论民事诉讼客观的诉的合并[J];诉讼法论丛;2000年02期




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