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发布时间:2018-03-30 19:38

  本文选题:行政诉讼 切入点:公民自由权 出处:《辽宁大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:行政诉讼是一种民告官的诉讼形式,其核心价值应该是为了保障公民的自由和权利,特别是行政相对人的自由和权利;行政法既然是中国法制史上一部具有里程碑意义的部门法,其里程碑意义在于赋予了行政相对人有权利对认为侵害自己合法权益的具体行政行为提起诉讼,这完全改变了中国数千年来的官管民而民不能制约官的传统,而这些规定的背后,蕴含着极其丰富的法治精神和哲理依据,这些法治精神和哲理依据归结到一点,就是为了保护公民的自由权。每一部法律的制定和施行,必定有很多价值考量蕴含其中,而这些所有的考 量,外化表现为我们大家都能看到的法条规定和法律解释,如果上升到政治的高度,则表现为各个利益阶级和利益集团之间的利益分配。但是这些归结到一点,都是由一定的哲理所支撑的,正是由于这些能使人精神新生的原理和概念的存在,指导了我们一部部法律的制定和施行,法律的制定和施行,必然会考虑到价值取向,而价值取向正是接近于哲理依据的一种表达。正是出于这种思想和思考,笔者对行政诉讼关于公民自由权的保护的研究, 则是把行政诉讼法这个实体法中关于保护公民自由权的规定和哲理依据相结合,融合公民自由权的精神理念和行政诉讼的相关规定,,探寻二者之间的法治精神和哲理依据,在这个过程中能探究出行政诉讼对于保护公民自由权存在的不足之处,进而能在此基础上得出解决的办法。就我国的行政诉讼的运行现状来看,我们存在和亟待解决的问题是行政诉讼收案范围过于狭窄;适格被告认定条件苛刻和行政诉讼类型没有明确的规定,这些都是行政诉讼过程以及该制度本身需要改善的地方。所以我们应该扩大行政诉讼的收案范围,简化对适格被告的认定条件和明确行政诉讼的类型,这样行政诉讼才能更好的保护公民自由权。
[Abstract]:Administrative litigation is a kind of litigation form of civil prosecution, its core value should be to protect citizens' freedom and rights, especially the administrative counterpart's freedom and rights; Since the administrative law is a landmark branch law in the history of Chinese legal system, its milestone significance lies in giving the administrative counterpart the right to sue for the specific administrative act that infringes his legitimate rights and interests. This has completely changed the Chinese tradition of governing the people for thousands of years and the people cannot restrict the officials. Behind these provisions, there is an extremely rich spirit of the rule of law and the basis of philosophy, which can be summed up in one point. In order to protect citizens' right to freedom, every law must have a lot of value considerations, and all these tests. Quantity, externalization is manifested in the legal provisions and legal interpretations that we can all see. If they rise to the political level, they are manifested in the distribution of interests among the various interest classes and interest groups. But these come down to one point. They are all supported by certain philosophies. It is precisely because of the existence of these principles and concepts that can give new life to the human spirit that they have guided the formulation and implementation of a piece of law, and the formulation and enforcement of the law will inevitably take into account the value orientation. The value orientation is an expression close to the philosophical basis. It is out of this thought and thinking that the author studies the protection of civil liberties in administrative litigation. It is to combine the provisions of the substantive law on the protection of civil liberties and the philosophical basis in the substantive law of administrative procedure, to combine the spiritual concept of civil liberty with the relevant provisions of administrative litigation, and to explore the spirit of the rule of law and the philosophical basis between the two. In this process, we can explore the shortcomings of administrative litigation in the protection of civil liberties, and then come to a solution on this basis. From the point of view of the current situation of the operation of administrative litigation in our country, The problems we have and need to be solved urgently are that the scope of accepting cases in administrative proceedings is too narrow; the suitable defendants are found to have harsh conditions and there are no clear provisions on the types of administrative proceedings. These are the areas where the administrative litigation process and the system itself need to be improved. Therefore, we should expand the scope of accepting cases in administrative proceedings, simplify the conditions for identifying qualified defendants and clarify the types of administrative proceedings. In this way, administrative litigation can better protect civil liberties.


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