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发布时间:2018-03-31 11:06

  本文选题:刑事简易程序 切入点:效率 出处:《贵州民族大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会经济的发展,各国的犯罪率呈现出普遍增长得趋势,为了处理更多的刑事案件,缓解司法压力,各国纷纷探索简化程序的方式,刑事简易程序成为了保障公正,提高诉讼效率最直接、最为行之有效的方法。 我国1996年刑事诉讼法确立了针对轻刑简单案件的简易程序后,2003年两高和司法部联合发文,又增加普通程序案件简化审理的被告人认罪案件程序,这在一定程度上减轻了刑事案件积压和司法资源紧张的问题,但两者在适用中都出现一些问题。在这种背景下,面对仍在不断增长的案件数量,为解决案多人少的困境,提高诉讼效率,2012年3月14日,第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议审议通过了《关于修改中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法的决定》,对简易程序进行了较大程度的变革。此次修改,在简易程序的多个具体程序设计上进行了改进,多方面完善了简易程序,但同时也应意识到还有多处不足没有得到解决。本文从刑事简易程序的立法及司法实践入手,运用在G省G市H区法院的调查研究结果对简易程序进行探讨。一共分为三个部分: 第一部分,刑事简易程序概述。首先通过多个学者对简易程序的不同认识,从广义和狭义上探讨简易程序的含义。其次,,从效率、公正对刑事简易程序的功能价值进行了分析,为其提供理论基础。 第二部分,我国刑事简易程序的立法、司法现状。首先,对我国刑事简易程序的修改之后的变化进行了介绍,并对现行立法进行反思。其次,从修改后刑事简易程序的司法实践方面指出我国现行刑事简易程序的进步性和存在的问题。 第三部分,论述我国的刑事简易程序的完善措施。经过上文的探讨、分析,针对存在的具体问题,从限制简易程序的适用范围、构建轻微罪书面审程序、通过设立预审制度启动简易程序以实现繁简分流、提高当庭宣判率、尊重和保障被告人的基本权利、加强司法队伍建设六方面提出了相应的完善意见。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, the crime rate showed a common growth trend, in order to deal with more criminal cases, alleviate the pressure of justice, countries have to explore the simplified procedure, criminal summary procedure has become the guarantee of justice, improve the efficiency of litigation is the most direct, the most effective method.
In 1996, the criminal procedural law of our country has established the summary procedure for the simple case of light punishment after the 2003 high and the Ministry of Justice jointly issued a document, and increase the defendant cases of ordinary procedure simplification of the guilty plea procedure, which reduces the backlog and judicial resource in criminal cases to a certain extent, but both have some problems in the application. In this context, still face a growing number of cases, to solve the case less than the difficulties, improve the efficiency of the proceedings, in March 14, 2012, the eleventh session of the Fifth National People's Congress to approve the decision on the revision of < > People's Republic of China criminal procedure law, to the simple procedure for the greater degree change. This modification, in a specific program design simple procedure for the improvement, improvement of the summary procedure, but also should be aware that there are many The shortage has not been solved. Starting from the legislation and judicial practice of the criminal summary procedure, this paper discusses the summary procedure in the H District Court of G City, G province. It is divided into three parts.
The first part is the summary of criminal summary procedure. First, through the different understanding of summary procedure by many scholars, we discuss the meaning of summary procedure from broad sense and narrow sense. Secondly, we analyze the function value of criminal summary procedure from the perspective of efficiency and justice, and provide theoretical basis for it.
The second part, the status quo of China's criminal summary procedure legislation and judicial. Firstly, the change of criminal summary procedure of our country changes are introduced, and reflect on the current legislation. Secondly, the modified from the judicial practice of criminal summary procedure pointed out that China's current criminal summary procedure. And the progress of the the problem.
The third part discusses the criminal summary procedure of our country perfect measures. Through the above discussion and analysis, aimed at the existing problems, from the limitation of application of the summary procedure, construction of minor crime of written trial procedures, through the establishment of pre-trial system start simple procedures to achieve simplified shunt, improve the rate of RJC, respect for fundamental rights and the protection of the defendant, corresponding proposals are put forward to strengthen the six aspects of judicial ranks.



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