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发布时间:2018-04-01 06:12

  本文选题:小额纠纷 切入点:诉讼救济 出处:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国社会经济的高速发展和民众法律意识的不断增强,民事纠纷的数量也呈现着日益上升的趋势。在这些纠纷当中,以争议不大的小额纠纷居多,并且民众更愿意选择诉讼手段作为各类生活纠纷解决方式。但是目前我国现行法律所规定的解决小额纠纷的诉讼方式主要有:法院调解、代表人诉讼、小额诉讼制度等。在司法实践中,被誉为“东方经验”的法院调解因存在“调审不分”现象,容易造成强制调解、以判压调;作为小额多数人纠纷解决方式的代表人诉讼则在管辖、权利登记程序等方面存在制度缺陷,导致其适用率并不高;而刚刚建立不久的小额诉讼制度则由于规定过于笼统,缺乏操作性且程序设计上存在争议,故也不能充分发挥其及时快速解决纠纷的功能。鉴于此,无论是理论界还是实务界都建议,我国应在借鉴发达国家先进经验的基础下,不断完善小额纠纷的诉讼救济途径,与此同时,,还应对新的救济手段进行探索,逐步建立起多元化的小额纠纷诉讼解决机制。 在这种背景下,本文通过介绍小额纠纷的基本概念、特征以及分析目前各国有关小额纠纷诉讼救济途径的法律规定,继而全面、深入地探讨了中国当前小额纠纷解决方式存在的不足,并就我国如何对小额纠纷诉讼救济方式进行完善提出了自己的思路及建议。本文正文分为五个部分:第一部分为小额纠纷诉讼救济途径概述,介绍了小额纠纷的概念、特征和主要类型,以及我国关于小额纠纷诉讼救济途径的法律规定和完善小额纠纷诉讼救济途径的现实意义;第二部分首先介绍了其他发达国家地区关于小额纠纷诉讼救济途径的不同法律规定;其次,并对小额纠纷诉讼救济机制作了比较分析;第三部分在与发达国家先进做法比较之下,先后对我国小额纠纷诉讼救济的三种途径的不足进行了分析;第四部分为我国小额纠纷诉讼救济途径的完善,针对我国小额纠纷诉讼解决方式存在的不足,提出完善的看法和建议;第五部分结语主要是总结全文,并且期望小额纠纷诉讼解决机制尽早得以完善。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy and the people's growing awareness of the law, the number of civil disputes also showed a rising trend. In these disputes, with less controversial small disputes are, and people are more willing to choose all kinds of life as a means of litigation dispute resolution. But China's current law to solve the small lawsuit methods are: court mediation, representative litigation lawsuit system. In judicial practice, known as "Oriental experience" due to the presence of the trial court mediation is not divided into "phenomenon, easy to cause the compulsory mediation, to the press; as a small majority dispute resolution the representative action in the jurisdiction system defect existed rights registration procedures, the applicable rate is not high; and the lawsuit system has just been established because the provisions are too In general, the lack of operability and controversial program design, it can not fully play its time to quickly resolve the dispute. In view of this, in both theory and practice have suggested that China should learn from the advanced experience of developed countries, and constantly improve the small dispute lawsuit relief way, at the same time, also to deal with the new relief means for exploration, and gradually establish a diversified dispute settlement mechanism of microfinance.
In this context, this paper introduces the basic concept of small disputes, characteristics and analysis of the current of the petty disputes litigation law, then the way of comprehensive, in-depth study of the shortcomings of the current small China way to settle disputes, and put forward my own ideas and suggestions on how to improve China's small litigation the relief way. This text is divided into five parts: the first part is the small dispute relief way overview, introduces the concept of petty disputes, characteristics and main types of practical significance as well as China's small disputes litigation remedy law and improve the small dispute relief way; the second part first introduced on small disputes litigation remedies various laws and regulations of other developed countries and regions; secondly, the small litigation relief mechanism than A comparison analysis; in the third part of the developed countries and advanced practice, has disadvantages of three ways of China's small dispute litigation are analyzed; the fourth part of China's small dispute relief way perfect, to solve the problems of China's small dispute settlement mode, put forward opinions and suggestions; the fifth part mainly summarizes the full text, and expect a small dispute settlement mechanism as soon as possible to improve.



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