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发布时间:2018-04-01 06:17

  本文选题:规章以下规范性文件 切入点:合法性 出处:《辽宁大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In our country, the normative documents under the regulations refer to the various ministries and commissions of the State Council, the local governments and their competent departments, as well as the administrative organizations with statutory authorization for the implementation of the law. A generally binding decision, order, or order that is subject to the rules and regulations. The normative documents below these regulations are often the most direct and practical basis for the administrative agency to make an administrative act. It fills the legal gap, meets the needs of the administration in real life, and makes the legal principles and norms more concrete and operable. But because the normative documents below the regulations are not like the law, The rules and regulations, which belong to the scope of the Law, do not have a complete set of effective norms, and the existing methods of examination and supervision tend to focus only on the form and not on the results. Illegal normative documents sometimes appear in the administrative activities of administrative organs to endanger the legitimate interests of the masses. The damage to the legitimate interests of the public caused by specific administrative acts made according to illegal administrative normative documents. Harm not only affected the image of the Party and the government in the hearts of the people, The deficiency of the current supervision and examination mode of administrative normative documents is also the important reason why our country must improve the judicial review system as soon as possible. The investigation mainly refers to the NPC and its standing Committee, The local people's congresses at various levels and their standing committees shall conduct a record examination of administrative normative documents, Administrative normative documents in violation of the Constitution and laws shall have the right to be revoked. The internal supervision and examination of normative documents by administrative organs includes generally binding decisions made by administrative organs at higher levels on administrative organs at lower levels, Whether it is the supervisory review of power organs or the internal supervision and examination of administrative organs, there are deficiencies, and they do not play an effective supervisory and restrictive role in practice. Therefore, it is particularly necessary to bring the legality of the following normative documents under the scrutiny and supervision of the judiciary, which has the advantages of fairness, fairness and openness. The examination of administrative normative documents by judicial organs is easier to be recognized by administrative counterparts. Article 53 of the newly revised Administrative procedure Law and Article 64 of the newly revised Administrative procedure Law formally establish the framework of the judicial review system for normative documents. However, there must be shortcomings in the new system, such as the incidental nature of the form of review, the limitation of the scope of review, The modesty of the effectiveness of the examination and the lack of concrete maneuverability of the examination procedure. The examination of the administrative normative documents really entering the judicial practice of the court still needs scholars, On the basis of studying the current situation and problems of the judicial review system in China, this paper draws on the advanced judicial review system of normative documents from abroad. Some concrete suggestions on the construction of judicial review system in China are put forward, including the standard of judicial review, the qualification of the original defendant, the jurisdiction of the court, The practice of court review cannot be carried out without these specific procedural provisions, which is also the proper meaning of the judicial review system.


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