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发布时间:2018-04-04 18:08

  本文选题:终结本次执行程序 切入点:执行 出处:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The conclusion of this execution procedure system is a system of closing the execution cases established by the courts of our country in the current judicial system and execution procedure in order to solve the cases with no property available for execution.The objective of the enforcement procedure is to achieve the content of the rights and obligations contained in the legal instruments in force.However, as an integral part of the enforcement procedure, the court stopped the execution procedure without achieving its goal, which requires accountability to the parties and the public.At the same time, the termination of this enforcement procedure system has played a significant role in the Court's handling of cases with no property available for enforcement, freeing limited enforcement resources from the absence of property for enforcement cases,Thus concentrating on resolving cases where property is available for execution.There are many problems in the process of its emergence and application, such as the unclear conditions of resuming the execution of this execution procedure case, the unclear standard, the incomplete disclosure of the final case information, the confusion in the management of the final case and so on.This article starts from the whole development of the system of executive procedure.In light of the provisions of the Supreme people's Court on the strict and standardized termination of this execution procedure (trial), and in view of the problems still existing in the process of application and development of the current system of terminating this execution procedure, the following seven suggestions are put forward: first,With the help of the implementation of information construction to improve the efficiency of the implementation of the final court case; second, improve the final case information disclosure; third, clear final case implementation conditions and standards; fourth, improve the performance of the case evaluation standard; fifth,Improve the end of the execution procedure relief procedure; sixth, strengthen the end of the execution procedure case follow-up management; seventh, explore the completion of the execution procedure case complete end path.The consummation of this execution procedure system will improve the execution efficiency of the court with no property available for execution, and guide the people to correctly understand the system of terminating the execution procedure.It is of great significance to realize the solemn commitment to basically solve the difficulties of implementation in two to three years.


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