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发布时间:2018-04-09 23:37

  本文选题:河北N律师事务所 切入点:服务营销 出处:《河北大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The rapid development of the market economy and the acceleration of the construction of a country ruled by law have led to the rapid development of the legal service industry.However, most of the law firms in the law profession of our country are backward in management idea, and do not have the service marketing system of constructing the characteristic system, the mismatch with the market also appeared day by day.Under such a background, the most important problem that law firms face is how to adapt to the current economic trend, meet the needs of the legal service market, and formulate effective and feasible service marketing strategies.Based on the modern 4P theory of Philip's concept of "omni-directional marketing" and the actual situation of Hebei N law firm, this paper systematically analyzes the present situation of service marketing of Hebei N law firm and its management mode.There are many problems in team building, marketing channels and so on. Through the analysis of the internal environmental strengths, weaknesses and opportunities and challenges of the external environment of law firms by SWOT analysis, it is concluded that the current law firms are faced with better opportunities for development.The conclusion that there is a danger of weaker competition.Then we use the STP positioning method to segment the market of the law firm, and subdivide the market of the law firm according to the nature of the customer, according to the existing business situation and the development goal of the law firm.These segments of the market Venus evaluation and selection, the final target market.Finally, according to the characteristics of the law profession, this paper formulates the service marketing strategy of Hebei N law firm from four aspects: quantifiable service, service innovation, service diversification and service increment.


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