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发布时间:2018-04-10 05:13

  本文选题:秘密侦查 切入点:侦查制度 出处:《浙江大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the continuous development of science and technology, the crime forms present the trend of intelligence, concealment, complication and so on. Some criminal cases with great social harmfulness, strong organization and high difficulty in solving have posed a new challenge to the open investigation.In the face of the current complicated social situation and new crimes, the investigative organs must change their investigative thinking in good time.As an effective measure of collecting evidence, secret investigation has been paid more and more attention by the investigation organs.At present, many countries in the world have used secret investigation to solve cases and crack down on criminals.However, the secret investigation behavior has the characteristics of concealment, secrecy and the vagueness of the law, which makes the secret investigation power very easy to be abused in the process of investigation practice in our country, resulting in the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of the person being investigated.Therefore, it is the only way to balance the relationship between secret investigation and protect human rights and to realize the rule of law of secret investigation system.Based on the basic theory of criminal investigation, combined with the technical investigation measures mentioned in the new Criminal procedure Law, the author makes a comparative analysis of the legal norms concerning secret investigation outside the country.In view of the predicament of secret investigation in China, this paper discusses the path of the rule of law of secret investigation in China.The full text consists of five parts.The first part: introduction.This paper mainly introduces the background, the theoretical and practical significance of the research, the current situation of the research at home and abroad, the research methods and innovative points.The second part: the outline of secret investigation system.First of all, after analyzing several representative definitions of secret investigation in China, the author tries to redefine the concept of secret investigation, and analyzes the unique characteristics of secret investigation.At last, several basic types of secret investigation are introduced in detail.The third part: our country secret investigation system present situation and malpractice.This part expounds the current situation of the secret investigation system in our country, including the legislative status and the practical situation, and analyzes the drawbacks of the secret investigation system in our country from the two aspects of legal regulation and judicial practice.Including secret investigation system lack of effective legal guidance, lack of procedural supervision and control, judicial relief system is not perfect, and so on.The fourth part: the comparative analysis of foreign secret investigation.This part mainly introduces the research situation of secret investigation system in Germany, the United States, Britain and Japan, and through comparative analysis with the above several countries, we find the shortcomings of secret investigation in our country.The fifth part: the path of Chinese secret investigation by law.This paper discusses the necessity of realizing the rule of law of the secret investigation system in our country, and then puts forward some suggestions on the legalization of secret investigation in accordance with the national conditions of our country, including making up for the deficiency of the current legislation, establishing a perfect mechanism of supervision and right relief.Strict use of evidence in secret investigations, etc.The innovation of this paper is mainly composed of: 1. After objectively evaluating several representative viewpoints on the concept of secret investigation in academic circles, the author redefines the concept of secret investigation, and at the same time discriminates with other similar concepts.This paper generalizes several characteristics of secret investigation, and systematically analyzes the present situation of secret investigation in our country.This paper combs the confusion in the legislation and practice of the secret investigation system in China, and creatively puts forward that the evidence obtained by the secret investigation should be strictly kept and destroyed in good time.


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