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发布时间:2018-04-12 19:21

  本文选题:法院调解 + 制度形态 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper consists of four chapters. The first chapter mainly defines the connotation of mediation and court mediation, discusses the nature and structural elements of mediation, and then expounds the function of court mediation.The paper leads to the expression form of the court mediation system through the theoretical foundation, which is the expression form of the law, custom and other norms formed under certain historical conditions when a country carries on the rule and management.At present, according to the different fields involved, the academic circles are divided into the mode of authority doctrine and the mode of litigant doctrine. The author takes a new approach and divides the form of the court mediation system based on the standards of the subject.It lays a theoretical foundation for the history, operation and practice path of the court mediation system.The second chapter classifies the traditional mediation system.This paper expounds the characteristics of the traditional mediation system, evaluates it and rethinks it, and then discusses the transformation of the traditional mediation, that is, the division of the mediation system form in the period of the new democratic revolution.At the same time, it expounds the historical process of the court mediation form after the founding of the people's Republic of China and the beginning of reform and opening up, and the court mediation system form of the middle and late period of reform and opening up to the end of the century.It is concluded that the present mediation system is the inheritance and transcendence of the advance form.The third chapter divides the court mediation system form, according to the main body different standard, divides into: the litigant guidance, the judge-oriented, the political-oriented three kinds of forms.The parties hope that the dispute can be resolved, and mediation can realize the special rights outside the law and be beneficial to the realization of the rights.The parties' pursuit of the value of freedom is embodied in the voluntary principle in mediation.However, in practice, the parties' substantive rights and litigation rights will be restricted.Judges love mediation because mediation can not only bring high efficiency and practical material benefits, but also reduce the risk of adjudication.While pursuing the efficiency value, the judge will have the task of mediation, the limitation of the judge's quality and the problem of influencing the judge's "heart proof".Political orientation is the court's pursuit of order value under the influence of judicial policy and the need of harmonious society. However, in practice, there will be "excessive reaction" of court to judicial policy and weak link in the implementation of judicial policy.The fourth chapter is the practice path of court mediation.The chapter is explained in two parts.The first is the balanced foundation of court mediation. The court mediation system is between public relief and private relief. It not only absorbs part of the folk remedies and ideas, but also places itself in the judicial system.Therefore, court mediation is a collection of legal and ethical theories.The value balance foundation of court mediation refers to the pursuit of justice value by three kinds of orientations. On the basis of assimilation, the parties oriented to the pursuit of the value of freedom, the judge oriented to the pursuit of the value of efficiency.Political orientation pays attention to the pursuit of order value. When there is a conflict between different values, the value of freedom should be put in the first place, the judge should pursue the efficiency value on the basis of carrying out the policy, and attach importance to the realization of order value at the same time.Strive to find a balance between different values.Second, the practice path of different mediation system forms, overcome the various problems that appear in the actual operation, and put forward the regulation suggestions to the problems of different orientation.


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