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发布时间:2018-04-13 21:19

  本文选题:有效辩护 + 刑事诉讼 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The right to defense is recognized by the laws of many countries as a right of action. The degree of human rights protection and the civilization of the rule of law in a country are often highlighted in the development of the defense system.The principle of effective criminal defense is not only the guarantee of the effective exercise of the right of defense, but also the focal point of the criminal procedure.The United States first elaborated "the action of invalid defense", defined and guaranteed the criminal effective defense from the opposite side, so that the criminal effective defense gradually developed into a relatively mature system.The effective criminal defense system is based on the principle of respecting and protecting human rights, the theory of tripartite checks and balances and distinctions in prosecution and trial, and the principle of judicial fairness and justice, which ensures the realization of substantive justice and procedural justice in criminal proceedings.Improving the efficiency of litigation has an important role that can not be ignored.In China, because there is no clear legal elaboration, there is no effective criminal defense system in a complete sense.In our country, there are many defects in the criminal effective defense in the concrete judicial practice, which leads to the low defense rate and poor defense quality of the criminal defense.Lawyer is the symbol of a country's civilization of the rule of law. A country's respect for justice and human rights is reflected in the respect and protection of lawyers, especially criminal defense lawyers, to a certain extent.To ensure the defense rights of defense counsel in the process of criminal proceedings, to a large extent, to ensure the realization of effective criminal defense, therefore, the defense lawyer's right protection is the most important to realize the criminal effective defense.In China, it is difficult to strictly comply with the requirements of justice and fairness for lawyers to participate in criminal defense, and the relevant laws and regulations will deviate from each other in practice, which often leads to many difficulties for criminal defense lawyers in their work.In order to perfect the effective defense system of our country, we should protect the rights and interests of the criminal prosecution from the perfection of legislation and the change of judicial concept, based on the actual situation of our country.To ensure the effective exercise of lawyers' right to defend and to improve the level and quality of lawyers.This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is an overview of the basic theory of the effective criminal defense system, including the concept and development of the effective criminal defense system, the second chapter discusses the judicial practice of effective criminal defense and the reasons for the problems.The third chapter introduces the importance of effective criminal defense litigation; the fourth chapter describes the protection of lawyers' rights to the effective defense of criminal significance; the fifth chapter discusses the relevant countermeasures to improve the effective criminal defense system in China.


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