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发布时间:2018-04-13 21:54

  本文选题:审判规则 + 实证研究 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:2013年1月1日起施行的《民事诉讼法》新增条款中明确了小额诉讼程序在我国的设立。小额诉讼是一种新型程序,具有保障当事人的合法诉讼权利、实现程序效益的最大化、实现司法资源的优化配置的功能。本文运用法学理论、理论联系实际的研究方法,以具体的小额诉讼案件为基础,根据小额诉讼独特的价值追求,对实践中小额诉讼存在的问题和解决方案进行论述,完善小额诉讼审判规则。 本文正文分为四个部分,共26000字左右。 第一部分,小额诉讼案例“陆某某诉吴某某交通事故责任纠纷案”(以下简称“本案”)的基本情况,包括案情介绍、分歧意见、争议焦点。 第二部分,从“本案”中出现的小额诉讼“小额”认定问题、“高额”律师费和鉴定费问题、被告缺席审理的问题、当事人对一审终审的小额诉讼案件救济问题。探讨小额诉讼立案规则、小额诉讼特殊的庭前规则、小额诉讼特定缺席审理规则和小额诉讼审结救济的特定规则。 第三部分,结合本案进行分析。首先,根据小额诉讼“小额”额度的认定规则和我国国情和司法现状,借鉴域外对小额诉讼“小额”的认定,提出适合我国国情的认定小额诉讼“小额”的方案。其次,结合本案中出现“高额”律师费用和鉴定费用的问题,根据小额诉讼特殊的庭前规则,分析小额诉讼程序中出现律师代理小额诉讼案件和当事人负担鉴定费的弊端,借鉴域外的成功经验,提出禁止律师代理小额诉讼案件和对诉讼有困难的人群采取法律援助、对小额诉讼司法鉴定采用法律援助。再次,根据小额诉讼特定缺席审理规则,分析本案缺席审理的问题,提出实行两次传唤,第二次传唤明确告知缺席的法律后果。最后,通过分析小额诉讼实行一审终审的弊端,借鉴域外对小额诉讼救济的方法,结合学界对小额诉讼救济的探讨,提出采取复议一次与再审并用,禁止上诉、严格限制再审的措施。 第四部分,“本案”的研究启示。第一,完善小额诉讼立案规则。首先,小额诉讼启动标准数额应当以法院预期审理结果为准;其次,城镇居民与农村居民适用小额诉讼的标准应当区别对待;最后,公司、企业与自然人应当区别对待,公司、企业作为原告主体的小额诉讼的“小额”应当低于自然人作为原告主体的小额诉讼的“小额”。第二,构建小额诉讼庭前特殊规则。庭前鉴定特殊规则为:实行小额诉讼司法鉴定法律援助制度;律师代理特殊规则:对于律师费采取原则上实行禁止律师代理小额诉讼案件,对独自进行诉讼有困难的人群应当实行法律援助。第三,设立特定审理规则。包括:两次传唤后缺席审理、调解前置、灵活庭审活动、缩短审限、增加电话送达方式。第四,对小额诉讼审结救济的特定规则的建议。采取复议一次与再审并用,禁止上诉、严格限制再审的措施。
[Abstract]:In the new clause of the Civil procedure Law, which came into effect on January 1, 2013, it is clear that the establishment of the small claims procedure in our country.Small amount litigation is a new kind of procedure, which has the function of protecting the legal litigation rights of the parties, maximizing the benefit of the procedure and optimizing the allocation of judicial resources.This article uses the law theory, the theory unifies the actual research method, takes the concrete small amount lawsuit case as the foundation, according to the small amount lawsuit unique value pursue, carries on the elaboration to the practice small amount lawsuit existence question and the solution.We will improve the rules governing the trial of small claims.This text is divided into four parts, a total of about 26000 words.The first part is the basic situation of the small claims case, Lu Xue Mou v. Wu Xue Mou traffic accident responsibility dispute case (hereinafter referred to as "this case"), including the introduction of the case, the different opinions, the focus of the dispute.The second part, from "this case" appears in the small lawsuit "small amount" the confirmation question, the "high" lawyer fee and the appraisal fee question, the defendant absentia trial question, the litigant to the first instance final appeal small amount lawsuit case relief question.This paper probes into the rules of filing the case of small claims, the special rules of pre-trial, the rules of special absenteeism and the special rules of remedy.The third part, combine this case to carry on the analysis.First of all, according to the recognition rules of "small amount" of small amount litigation and the current situation of our country and judicature, and drawing lessons from the recognition of "small amount" in foreign countries, this paper puts forward a scheme of identifying "small amount" of small lawsuit which is suitable for our country's national conditions.Secondly, combined with the problem of "high" lawyer fees and identification fees in this case, according to the special pre-court rules of small amount litigation, this paper analyzes the drawbacks of small lawsuit cases represented by lawyers and the parties' burden of identification fees.Based on the successful experience of foreign countries, this paper puts forward the prohibition of lawyers' representation in small lawsuit cases and legal aid for the people who have difficulty in litigation, and the legal aid for the judicial expertise of small claims litigation.Thirdly, according to the rules of special absentee trial in small claims, this paper analyzes the problems of absentee hearing in this case, and puts forward two summonses, and the second summons clearly informs the legal consequences of absenteeism.Finally, through the analysis of the drawbacks of the practice of first instance final instance in small claims litigation, drawing lessons from the methods of extra-territorial relief for small claims, and combining with the discussion of the academic circles on the relief of small claims, the author puts forward that we should adopt the combination of reconsideration and retrial to prohibit appeals.Strict restrictions on retrial measures.The fourth part, the research enlightenment of this case.First, improve the small-scale lawsuit filing rules.First, the amount of the standard amount for the initiation of small claims should be based on the court's expected trial results; secondly, the standards for the application of small claims by urban and rural residents should be treated differently; finally, companies, enterprises and natural persons should be treated differently.The "small amount" of the enterprise as the plaintiff's main body should be lower than the "small amount" of the natural person as the plaintiff's main body.Second, the construction of special rules before the trial of small claims.The special rules for pre-court identification are: to implement the system of legal aid for judicial expertise in small amount litigation; and special rules for lawyers' representation: to prohibit lawyers from representing small lawsuit cases in principle with regard to lawyers' fees,Legal aid should be granted to those who have difficulties in carrying out proceedings alone.Third, the establishment of specific trial rules.Including: two subpoenas after absentee trial, mediation before, flexible trial activities, shorten the trial limit, increase telephone service.Fourth, the proposal of the special rules of the remedy of the small claims.Take reconsideration and retrial, prohibit appeal, strictly limit the measure of retrial.


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