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发布时间:2018-04-14 02:01

  本文选题:房屋登记 + 民行交叉 ; 参考:《湘潭大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the increasing number of housing registration disputes, housing registration case for China how to deal with the issue of cross is also more and more attention from all walks of life. In the face of the defects of housing registration cases of civil cross problems in judicial practice have become increasingly prominent, in-depth study of housing registration problem in China for the treatment of cross cases, the unified justice scale, improve judicial efficiency, safeguard judicial authority, has great theoretical value and practical significance to enhance the credibility of the judiciary. According to the relationship between the civil and administrative disputes, the case for public housing registration problems are mainly involved in cross administrative disputes involving civil disputes, civil disputes and administrative disputes in civil and administrative disputes and three the types, which are caused by many factors, both factors of modern society, the expansion of executive power, and housing It is difficult to register the public power to meet the requirements of formal examination and registration, administrative litigation and civil litigation to different cause. The cross on housing registration cases in our country with the legislative provisions, mainly embodied in the "Civil Procedure Law", "administrative procedure law" and the relevant provisions of the relevant judicial interpretations in these regulations, laws and regulations and the judicial interpretation is mixed, and there is mutual conflict between various provisions. This leads to the trial process of China's housing registration case, the people's court when dealing with cross problem of the line loss, the practice of different, including the ancestors were, after the first trial, and people together three models. According to our country's housing registration case the existence of cross problem processing problems in the construction of China's public housing registration case intersection problem resolution mechanism, should abide by justice Unified, three-dimensional protection, basic principles of procedural efficiency, choose a dual processing model, determined by the same judicial organization in the trial of building registration cases, clear basis all the main housing registration in the case to participate in litigation, the establishment of a unified housing registration case case guidance system, straighten out the housing registration case trial operation the program, to make cross housing registration cases in the one-time completely solved.



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