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发布时间:2018-04-16 23:34

  本文选题:结构功能 + 家事纠纷 ; 参考:《重庆工商大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Family is the basic unit of social life. The settlement of family contradictions is closely related to the stability of family, family harmony and the harmonious development of society.As an independent and complete social system, the family dispute resolution mechanism needs a basic theory to guarantee the optimization of its structure and function. The construction of family dispute resolution mechanism under structure-function theory can realize the integration of social resources.It caters to the particularity of the family dispute resolution, resolves the contradiction in peace, preserves the emotion between the family and the family, recovers the family harmony and ensures the social stability.The research on the dispute settlement mechanism can not be separated from the social background environment, and the change of the family dispute settlement mechanism can not be separated from the influence of the macro structure of the society.The long-term reform and opening up and the market economy have prompted China's economic structure, political system to constantly change, a variety of contradictions intertwined and emerging, and the elements of social disorder have been increasing. The dispute resolution mechanism serves as a dispute resolution mechanism.The last barrier to social stability should be brought under the framework of comprehensive management in the new period.In recent years, scholars have generally paid attention to the micro level of dispute resolution mechanism, such as the case mediation and its mediation model, the relationship between folk law and customary law and national law, and so on.These studies play an important role in constructing the dispute resolution mechanism in the new period of our country, but they can't help but ignore the macro-level research. We should know that all external appearances of things are inextricably related to their inner and deep structure.Therefore, this paper starts the research from the deep social structure and focuses on the macro level.By analyzing the basic contents of the theory of structure and function (mainly referring to the Parsons era) and the basic theory of family disputes, this paper deduces the theoretical basis for the construction of the settlement mechanism of family disputes, and analyzes the unique characteristics of family disputes in our country.Summarizes the social practice basis for the construction of family dispute resolution mechanism.This paper points out the problems of the existing family dispute resolution mechanism in our country, and probes into the construction of the family dispute resolution mechanism of our country by referring to the advanced practices of Australia, Germany and other countries in dealing with the family dispute, combined with the guidance of the theory of structure and function.Through literature research, this paper analyzes the basic contents and core viewpoints of structural function theory, and provides theoretical guidance for the construction of family dispute resolution mechanism.This paper analyzes the differences between family disputes and other civil disputes by means of logical analysis. Combined with the present situation of domestic dispute handling mechanism in China, the author puts forward some suggestions for perfection.Through the research on the existing mechanism of handling family disputes in developed countries such as Australia, the United States, Germany, and other developed countries, combining the traditional culture of our country and the values of the new era,This paper puts forward the theoretical framework and some practical improvement measures of the family dispute resolution mechanism in China.


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