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发布时间:2018-04-17 14:28

  本文选题:股东派生诉讼 + 审判权 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:股东派生诉讼是顺应现代公司发展,保护公司和小股东利益,减少公司代理成本的重要手段。该制度在我国的发展处于起步阶段,法律的规定少,可操作性差。之前学界的研究主要集中在具体制度的构建方面,但由于立法的滞后性,这些研究尚不能解决法院在具体案件审判上的困惑。本文主要从法院审判权的角度出发,深入探讨股东派生诉讼审判权的相关理论及具体内容,试图为我国法院审理该类诉讼提供可供参考的标准。全文共分为引言、正文、结语三部分,正文内容分为五章。 第一章是股东派生诉讼审判权的理论解释。本部分主要运用学术理论说明股东派生诉讼审判权的正当性以及权力基础。包括大陆法系相关实体法和程序法理论,英美法系的公司民主理论、私人检察官理论,法经济学的代理成本理论、博弈理论。 第二章是股东派生诉讼审判权的主体。本部分主要讨论管辖法院和审判组织构成,关于前者,笔者认为宜采取由公司所在地法院管辖实行专属管辖。关于后者,笔者认为应当以合议制为宜,不宜采独任制。 第三章是股东派生诉讼审判权的客体。本节一是讨论派生诉讼的案件范围,即哪些主体的什么行为可以作为派生诉讼的受案范围。二是股东派生诉讼司法审判与仲裁的关系。 第四章是股东派生诉讼审判权的内容。本章在总结诉讼法学界研究成果的基础上,将法院在股东派生诉讼中的民事审判权分为程序指挥权、实体裁判权和对当事人处分行为的干预权,分别加以论述。 第五章是股东派生诉讼审判权行使的基本原则。笔者认为法院在审理此类案件时应当遵循依法行使的原则、公司内部机构先行处理原则、依申请和依职权相结合的原则、司法谦抑的原则四个原则。
[Abstract]:Shareholder derivative litigation is an important means to comply with the development of modern companies, to protect the interests of companies and minority shareholders, and to reduce the agency costs of companies.The development of the system in China is in its infancy, the legal provisions are few and the operability is poor.Previous academic research mainly focused on the construction of specific systems, but due to the lag of legislation, these studies can not solve the court in the specific case trial confusion.From the angle of court jurisdiction, this paper probes into the relevant theories and specific contents of shareholder derivative litigation, and tries to provide a reference standard for our courts to hear such cases.The full text is divided into three parts: introduction, text and conclusion, and the text is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the theoretical explanation of shareholder derivative litigation.This part mainly uses academic theory to explain the legitimacy and power basis of shareholder derivative litigation.It includes relevant substantive law and procedural law theory in civil law system, corporate democracy theory in common law system, private prosecutor theory, agency cost theory in law and economics, and game theory.The second chapter is the main body of shareholder derivative litigation.This part mainly discusses the constitution of jurisdiction court and trial organization. As for the former, the author thinks that it is appropriate to adopt exclusive jurisdiction by the jurisdiction of the court where the company is located.As for the latter, the author thinks that the collegial system should be taken as the appropriate system, and the system of single appointment should not be adopted.The third chapter is the object of shareholder derivative litigation.In this section, we discuss the scope of derivative actions, that is, which subjects' actions can be taken as the scope of derivative actions.Second, the relationship between the judicial trial of shareholder derivative litigation and arbitration.The fourth chapter is the content of shareholder derivative litigation.On the basis of summarizing the research results in the field of procedural law, the civil jurisdiction of the court in the shareholder derivative action is divided into procedural command power, substantive adjudication power and interference right to the party's disciplinary action, which are discussed separately in this chapter.The fifth chapter is the basic principle of shareholder derivative litigation.The author thinks that the court should follow the principle of exercising according to law, the principle of dealing with the company's internal organization in advance, the principle of combining the application with the authority, the principle of judicial modesty and the four principles of judicial modesty.


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