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发布时间:2018-04-17 21:01

  本文选题:行政调解 + 纠纷解决 ; 参考:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:调解制度在我国历史发展过程中及传统的法文化中占据着重要的地位。行政调解制度作为我国民事纠纷调解形式之一,从远古时期的行政人员调解到秦以后的“官府调解”,最后再到如今的行政调解制度,它始终是调和社会纠纷与矛盾的利器。行政调解制度虽然在我国的发展历史源远流长,但是目前其仍旧存在诸多缺陷。本文以行政调解制度为研究对象,以行政调解制度存在的必要性分析、发展现状以及完善措施为主线,对行政调解制度加以论述。本文除引言、结语外,正文分为四部分。 第一部分行政调解基础理论。本部分从行政调解制度的概念、特征、性质以及价值功能四个方面展开论述。首先笔者根据学界对行政调解概念的解释进行了整合与分析,在此基础上,对行政调解概念进行了定位。行政调解是指拥有特定调解职权的行政主体依照国家法律法规、相关政策、公序良俗的规定,对行政管理过程中发生的平等主体之间的民事纠纷,在当事人自愿基础上进行协调,促使当事人平等协商后达成合意从而顺利解决社会纠纷的诉讼外活动。然后,笔者深入分析行政调解的特征及性质。最后,笔者对于行政调解的价值功能进行论述,这是行政调解制度在现代社会存在的正当性体现,也是笔者展开研究论述的理由。 第二部分行政调解制度的发展背景与存在的必要性、可行性分析。这部分笔者主要探寻了行政调解制度在我国缘起的历史背景及发展的现代社会环境,通过对行政调解制度缘起背景的探寻以及与现代社会环境的对比,论证了行政调解制度在当代社会仍有其发展的社会基础,为其发展的可行性提供了依据。同时,,行政调解制度顺应了时代发展要求,具有其存在的必要性。 第三部份行政调解发展现状分析。这部分主要有两个内容构成,一是行政调解制度的发展现状;另一部分是针对行政调解发展现状进行分析。对于行政调解的发展现状,笔者从立法现状以及实践现状的角度对行政调解在我国发展的现状进行分析与论述。笔者首先肯定了我国行政调解取得的成绩以及行政调解制度目前发挥的作用,然后针对行政调解存在的问题进行分析,主要有以下几个方面:第一,行政调解认识的偏差;第二,行政调解机构体制存问题;第三,行政调解法制建设方面存在问题;第四,行政调解保障机制存在问题。 第四部分完善行政调解制度的具体构思。该部分作为文章的核心内容,笔者针对如何完善行政调解制度运用了大量篇幅进行详细的论述。完善行政调解制度主要从以下五个角度展开:第一,强化行政调解理念;第二,完善行政调解的主体制度;第三,严格界定行政调解的范围;第四,确认行政调解法律效力;第五,构建行政调解程序。在调解程序设计的同时,笔者还提出了回避制度、保密制度以及时限制度的构建,全面的完善行政调解程序;第六,确立行政调解的救济机制。
[Abstract]:The mediation system plays an important role in the process of Chinese historical development and traditional law culture . Administrative mediation system is one of the forms of mediation of civil disputes in our country . The administrative mediation system is always a sharp instrument to reconcile social disputes and contradictions .

The first part discusses the basic theory of administrative mediation . This part discusses the concept , character , nature and value function of the administrative mediation system . Firstly , according to the theory of administrative mediation , the author discusses the concept of administrative mediation . On the basis of this , the author deeply analyzes the characteristics and nature of administrative mediation . At last , the author discusses the value function of administrative mediation , which is the justification of the administrative mediation system in the existence of modern society .

This part mainly explores the historical background and the development of the administrative mediation system in our country . This part mainly probes into the historical background and the development of the administrative mediation system in our country . Through the exploration of the background of the administrative mediation system and the comparison with the modern social environment , the paper proves that the administrative mediation system has the social foundation for its development and provides the basis for its development . At the same time , the administrative mediation system conforms to the development requirement of the times , and has the necessity of its existence .

The third part analyzes the present situation of administrative mediation development . This part is mainly composed of two contents , one is the development of the administrative mediation system ;
Another part is to analyze the current situation of administrative mediation development . In the light of the present situation of administrative mediation , the author analyzes and discusses the current situation of administrative mediation in China from the angle of the current situation of legislation and the current situation of practice .
Second , the institutional memory of administrative mediation institutions ;
Third , there is a problem in the construction of administrative mediation legal system ;
Fourthly , there is a problem in the administrative mediation safeguard mechanism .

The fourth part is to perfect the concrete conception of the administrative mediation system . This part is the core of the article , and the author discusses how to perfect the administrative mediation system in detail . The perfection of the administrative mediation system is carried out from the following five angles : First , strengthen the administrative mediation concept ;
Second , perfect the subject system of administrative mediation ;
Thirdly , strictly define the scope of administrative mediation ;
Fourthly , confirm the legal effect of administrative mediation ;
Fifth , to construct the administrative mediation procedure . At the same time , the author also put forward the construction of the avoidance system , the secrecy system and the time limit system , and perfect the administrative mediation procedure .
Sixth , establish the relief mechanism of administrative mediation .



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