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发布时间:2018-04-17 21:43

  本文选题:行政诉讼 + 课予义务诉讼 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2005年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Throughout all kinds of administrative omission litigation relief, compulsory litigation on the protection of the rights of the parties is the most complete and effective.The so-called compulsory litigation is that the administrative organ has a certain obligation to act, but it is lazy to perform or refuse to perform, which results in the infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart. If the plaintiff brings a lawsuit to the court, he wishes to resort to the court's compulsory judgment.To urge administrative organs to perform their duties as litigation.The full text consists of an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion.The introduction gives a brief account of the background of compulsory litigation and the current situation of the research in China.The first chapter reflects on the remedy system of administrative omission litigation in our country.On the premise that there is practical significance for administrative organs to fulfill their obligations as acts, our country has the judgment of giving lessons to obligation (performing judgment and reissuing judgment) to remedy administrative omission, but this judgment not only has loopholes in the legal provisions.And in practice there is also a lack of effectiveness.Therefore, it is necessary to construct perfect compulsory litigation.The second chapter introduces the basic theory of compulsory litigation.On the premise of fulfilling the obligation of action, several relief ways of administrative omission are listed.Secondly, from the meaning, the legal nature, the classification, the lawsuit elements, the judgment form and so on, explains the lesson to the obligation lawsuit.The third chapter discusses the theoretical basis of constructing compulsory litigation in our country.The fourth chapter discusses several problems related to the construction of compulsory litigation.In the conclusion, the article puts forward several legislative suggestions on constructing compulsory litigation.


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