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发布时间:2018-04-23 20:16

  本文选题:共同被告 + 法律责任 ; 参考:《华东政法大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The revised Administrative Litigation Law in 2015 makes new provisions on the qualification of defendants in administrative litigation cases after reconsideration. This is due to the fact that in the course of the operation of the old law before the amendment, in order to avoid becoming an accused, the administrative review organs often take an evasive attitude towards the application matters, leading to the majority of cases being reviewed to maintain the decision to close the case. It makes the maintenance rate of administrative reconsideration high all year round and reduces the enthusiasm of administrative counterpart to solve administrative disputes by applying for administrative reconsideration. Therefore, in order to urge the administrative review organ to perform the duty of reconsideration seriously and realize the function that the administrative reconsideration system should have at the beginning of the design, the new law has amended the qualification of the defendant in the administrative lawsuit case. It is clear that if the reconsideration is maintained, the reconsideration organ should be a co-defendant with the former administrative organ. Compared with the previous provision that the reconsideration organ only acted as the defendant under the circumstances of making a change of decision, the probability of being a defendant has increased greatly. However, with the deepening of the administrative reconsideration work, the existing laws and regulations on the legal liability of the review organ and the former administrative organ in the case of administrative litigation failure are too general and rough. There is still a gap in the specific accountability system, which leads to the administrative procedure law to the defendant qualification of this system design still faces the administrative review of the high maintenance rate of the status quo. In particular, the administrative review organs and the former administrative organs are different from the common co-defendants in procedural law, which makes the reviewed administrative cases co-defendants become a unique legal phenomenon. The study of the accountability system between the two has its own independent value and practical significance. This paper mainly uses theoretical analysis, empirical analysis and other methods to elaborate the following parts. The first part expounds the basic theory of the legal liability of co-defendants in the case of reconsideration, and clearly defines the concept is the premise and foundation of relevant research. The second part is to start with the current situation of the practice of losing the case of administrative litigation after reconsideration in our country. Through the form of case, the author classifies the original administrative act and the illegal type of reconsideration behavior, and finds out the problems in the concrete combing process. And to the relevant administrative organ legal responsibility carries on the demonstration. The third part is about the system construction of the legal liability of the co-defendant in the administrative litigation case after reconsideration. This part is mainly based on the first two parts of the theoretical analysis, practice, and so on, combined with our country and foreign administrative organs to bear the legal responsibility of theoretical differences, Proposing the responsibility determination and related accountability system between the review organ and the administrative organ that made the original administrative act, filling in the gaps in the system, and further standardizing the reconsideration act in the administrative reconsideration process, To make the administrative review system play its due function and effectiveness.


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