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发布时间:2018-04-26 09:32

  本文选题:高校信息公开 + 行政诉讼 ; 参考:《海南大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:公开、透明、阳光是现代社会发展进程的世界性趋势。高校信息公开,有利于约束不受羁绊的高校公权力,扩展社会公众的监督权,提升现代大学治理水平,增强高校的社会适应性。在以权力监督和权利保障为中心的时代,建立健全高校信息公开法律救济体系,对于保障相对人知情权、参与权等合法权益具有重要意义。然而,我们也应清晰地看到,由于目前高校作为行政主体的地位还未完全明确,法律、法规和规章对高校信息公开行政诉讼缺乏明确的规定,加之人民法院对高校行政案件的受理持保守政策,使得本应纳入到行政诉讼救济,接受司法审查的高校信息公开行为在司法实践中难以推进。高校信息公开不能任由高校自统自治,只有将其纳入行政诉讼,接受法院的司法审查,方能实现权力与责任的统一。本文结合“高校信息公开诉讼第一案”,在分析高校信息公开的范围与方式、高校信息公开行政诉讼的特点等内容的基础上,探究建立高校信息公开行政诉讼制度的必要性和可行性;在此基础上,结合高校自身的特殊性,分析将其纳入行政诉讼,面临的障碍及解决办法;最后从受案范围、当事人资格、举证责任分配、裁判种类等方面对高校信息公开行政诉讼进行具体的制度设计。 全文除引言和结语外,共分为四个部分。各部分的主要内容如下: 第一部分是高校信息公开及其行政诉讼的一般理论。通过对高校信息、高校信息公开的概念、性质、范围、方式等基本内容的分析,归纳出高校信息公开行政诉讼概念与特点,为建立高校信息公开行政诉讼制度提供理论支撑。 第二部分是建立高校信息公开行政诉讼的必要性和可行性。将高校信息公开争议纳入行政诉讼有其现实必要性和紧迫性,是保障社会公众知情权、参与权,完善高校信息公开法律救济体系,保证现代大学治理制度实现的需求,是法治要求,更是时代使然;而理论支撑、规范依据、司法实践、域外经验又为建立高校信息公开行政诉讼制度提供了基本路径,具有可行性。 第三部分是建立高校信息公开行政诉讼面临的障碍及障碍之克服。本部分从僵化陈旧的观念、大学自治与司法审查的冲突、司法机关对高校信息公开行政诉讼的保守政策、高校办学自主权未得到应有尊重和保障等方面分析了建立高校信息公开行政诉讼面临的障碍,并结合实际提出克服上述障碍的解决办法。 第四部分是高校信息公开行政诉讼的具体制度建构。本部分结合高校信息公开的特点,从高校信息公开行政诉讼的受案范围、当事人资格认定、举证责任分配、司法机关的裁判类型等角度,对高校信息公开行政诉讼进行具体的制度建构,从而为司法机关审理高校信息公开行政案件提供理论参考。
[Abstract]:Openness, transparency and sunshine are the worldwide trend of the development of modern society. The disclosure of information in colleges and universities is conducive to restricting the unfettered public power of colleges and universities, expanding the supervisory power of the social public, improving the level of modern university governance, and enhancing the social adaptability of colleges and universities. In the era of power supervision and protection of rights, it is of great significance to establish and perfect the legal relief system of information disclosure in colleges and universities for the protection of the relative person's right to know and the right to participate. However, we should also clearly see that, as the status of colleges and universities as administrative subjects has not yet been fully clarified, laws, regulations and rules have no clear provisions on the administrative litigation of information disclosure in colleges and universities. In addition, the people's court holds the conservative policy to accept the administrative cases in colleges and universities, which makes it difficult to push forward the behavior of information disclosure in colleges and universities which should be brought into the relief of administrative litigation and accepted judicial review in the judicial practice. The disclosure of university information can not be allowed to be self-governing and autonomous. Only by bringing it into administrative proceedings and accepting judicial review by the court can the unity of power and responsibility be realized. On the basis of analyzing the scope and mode of information disclosure in colleges and universities and the characteristics of administrative litigation in colleges and universities, this paper combines with the first case of Information publicity Litigation in Colleges and Universities. This paper probes into the necessity and feasibility of establishing the administrative litigation system of information publicity in colleges and universities; on this basis, combining with the particularity of the university itself, analyzes the obstacles and solutions to bring it into the administrative litigation; finally, from the scope of accepting the case, Party qualification, burden of proof distribution, types of adjudication and other aspects of the university information publicity administrative litigation system design. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, the full text is divided into four parts. The main elements of each part are as follows: The first part is the general theory of university information disclosure and administrative litigation. Based on the analysis of the concept, nature, scope and mode of information disclosure in colleges and universities, this paper summarizes the concept and characteristics of administrative litigation of information disclosure in colleges and universities, and provides theoretical support for the establishment of administrative litigation system of information disclosure in colleges and universities. The second part is the necessity and feasibility of establishing administrative litigation of information publicity in colleges and universities. It is necessary and urgent to bring the dispute of information disclosure into administrative litigation. It is the need to protect the public's right to know and participate, to perfect the legal relief system of information disclosure in colleges and universities, and to ensure the realization of modern university governance system. It is the requirement of the rule of law, and it is the result of the times, and the theoretical support, the normative basis, the judicial practice and the extraterritorial experience provide the basic path and feasibility for the establishment of the administrative litigation system of information publicity in colleges and universities. The third part is to establish the university information public administrative proceedings faced obstacles and obstacles to overcome. This part from the rigid old concept, the conflict between university autonomy and judicial review, the judicial organ to the university information public administrative litigation conservative policy, This paper analyzes the obstacles to the establishment of administrative litigation of information publicity in colleges and universities, and puts forward the solutions to overcome the above obstacles in the light of the fact that the autonomy of running a university is not respected and guaranteed. The fourth part is the specific system construction of administrative litigation of information disclosure in colleges and universities. This part combines the characteristics of information disclosure in colleges and universities, from the perspective of the scope of cases accepted, the qualification of the parties, the distribution of the burden of proof, the types of adjudication of judicial organs, and so on. This paper constructs a concrete system for administrative litigation of information publicity in colleges and universities, thus providing a theoretical reference for judicial organs to try administrative cases of information disclosure in colleges and universities.


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