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发布时间:2018-04-27 01:41

  本文选题:留有余地 + 疑罪从无 ; 参考:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, people's legal consciousness is gradually strengthened, and the pressure of judicial organs is growing. The increasing number of cases and the complexity and particularity of the cases make the uncertain factors of investigation and trial increase. In recent years, some unjust cases and wrong cases have been disclosed, which makes people focus on a kind of adjudication method in theory of non-criminal law, that is, "leave room" judgment. In practice, in order to realize the unification of legal effect and social effect, the judicial organ has sought the judgment of "keeping room", which is the judgment way of "seeking survival in the gap". This paper is divided into three parts. In the first part, the concept of margin decision is discussed, and the two models of this kind of judgment are discussed. Through the case study and analysis of this kind of judgment, the reader's understanding of the margin of judgment is deepened. The author finds out two typical cases to highlight the two models of margin judgment, so as to reflect the social and legal effects of the margin judgment. The second part mainly analyzes the reasons for the court to choose the margin of judgment, including internal reasons and external reasons. The third part puts forward its own suggestions on the direction of the decision with leeway. The drawback of the margin judgment gradually exposes that we have to reflect on the necessity of its existence. Although there are still some obstacles in practice, we should take all kinds of measures to eliminate this kind of judgment.


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